Reviews For When the Boat Comes In
Severus is going to kill Albus about the candy in his cauldrons.
Charity seems like a lot of fun. I wonder if she will be the one to give a more feminine touch into Harry's life? Great chapter! Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I'm glad you like my portrayal of Charity and hope you continue to enjoy the story Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I'm glad you like my portrayal of Charity and hope you continue to enjoy the story
Author's Response: He definately does; canon Lucius is shown to be an indulgent father (for example the Nimbus 2001's) and to love his son more than life itself- literally: he argues with the Dark Lord during the battle of Hogwarts so that he can find his son. However, as always, there's another motive; Lucius wants to be 'nice Mr Malfoy' not 'Malfoy the Death Eater' in Harry's eyes so sending a few quill-tips/sweets is a good investment.
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ Glad you liked it :)
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I thought that it'd be a very Slytherin tactic: show the kids other children being abused and say 'did they deserve it' and, when the child answers 'of course not', say 'well neither did you'. Psychological, manipulative and, generally speaking, effective.
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Severus and Charity aren't in a relationship (at the moment).
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm glad you like my portrayal of Harry :)
Author's Response: Thank you. I hope you continue to enjoy the story
Author's Response: Thanks: I was thinking about a lesson for Severus to be giving Harry and, of course, Defense is the obvious choice as Severus loves it and Harry needs it. Quirell is a bit useless in the canon- no point teaching your prey to defend themselves- so I thought it'd be fun to give Severus free choice as to subject-matter: it seemed in character that he'd choose the two, foundational duelling spells plus a charm to ensure that, if your wand goes awry, you can get it back. P.S. In almost all English schools, half-term holidays are around Halloween and I thought this would be a good excuse for Severus ^^. Besides, even though we're not told about it in the cannon, this might just be because nothing significant happens during half-term! It's more probable than not that Hogwarts would have half-terms; it would give the students a chance to catch uo on their schoolwork, get to know people from other houses/years and attend remedial classes if they needed them. (Not to mention that the muggleborns would probably riot if there were three whole months of school without a week off in the middle? Evil!)
Author's Response: Lol, well, he had been placed under a spell which, literally, made him walk a mile in Harry's shoes- albiet in his dreams. Once Dudley had been in Harry's place, he, naturally, realised that no child deserved how Harry had been treated and, therefore, decided that his mother was a terrible person. Something similar happened in the canon, when Harry rescued Dudley from the Dementors: Dudley certainly gained respect and a degree of affection for Harry, as evinced by his behaviour at the beginning of Deathly Hallows. The reason why Dudley's behavior is so much more extreme here is 1. the abuse has been more severe, 2. Dudley is younger (ie. more impressionable) and 3. he has seen life at Privet Drive from a 'Harry's eye view'. Author's Response: Lol, well, he had been placed under a spell which, literally, made him walk a mile in Harry's shoes- albiet in his dreams. Once Dudley had been in Harry's place, he, naturally, realised that no child deserved how Harry had been treated and, therefore, decided that his mother was a terrible person. Something similar happened in the canon, when Harry rescued Dudley from the Dementors: Dudley certainly gained respect and a degree of affection for Harry, as evinced by his behaviour at the beginning of Deathly Hallows. The reason why Dudley's behavior is so much more extreme here is 1. the abuse has been more severe, 2. Dudley is younger (ie. more impressionable) and 3. he has seen life at Privet Drive from a 'Harry's eye view'. |
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