Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Occulmency 18 Jan 2011 11:46 pm
Reviewer: Rhyselle (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh my goodness! This is an amazing tale, and I just love it! The twists and turns from the canon ending of Goblet of Fire, to the hysterically funny by-play at the Wren's Nest, are all so intriguing! The idea of Dumbledore sending a polyjuiced Sirius to break up Lily and Severus relationship is horrid--which makes it a terrific AU plot point!

    I love Nagini's personality in this fic! She's adorable, and I'd love to be wakened by her in the morning like she did Harry (well as long as she knew I was a friend and not an enemy! LOL!).

    Reborn Lily is terrific, and I like the changes that are happening in the relationship between Harry and Severus.

    I do hope that you are able to continue this story. I am super curious about what will happen next, what Tom's plans are, and how they are going to foil Albus' plot and preserve the Wizarding World from the white bumblebee. May your muse continue to be generous and know that however long it takes for the next bit of the story, I'll be waiting eagerly, albeit patiently, for it.

    Well done!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks ^^ I really wanted to write a good!Tom fic and that necessitated a very twisty, kafka-esque plot; there's going to be lots more twists- some of which are going to be real tear-jerkers. I'm glad you liked the poly-juiced Sirius device; I was worried that it might be pushing his and James' characters a bit too far into the dark (even though this is AU, I try to retain as many canon traits as possible!)

    Nagini is one of my favourite 'remastered' characters; she's a bit like Harry's pet Reggie in WtBCI in that she is an exaggeration of Tom's character, being very vain and concieted but sweet enough with it to make her funny rather than repugnant. I'm glad you like Lily (I tried to stay close to how she appears in canon) and the advances in Severus and Harry's relationship: it's going to take a while but as Sev a. has had the reason for his bitterness towards Harry removed, b. knows he is Harry's father and c. has eaten a large slice of humble pie, all they have to contend with is the awkwardness.

    I hope you continue to enjoy the story; I've got lots more planned ^^ 

Title: Occulmency 11 Dec 2010 3:14 pm
Reviewer: Katherine (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Dude, this is flippin awesome!

    Author's Response: Thanks ^^ It's one of my experimental pieces so I'm really glad people are enjoying it
Title: Occulmency 08 Dec 2010 1:41 am
Reviewer: CarlinPaddy (Signed) [Report This]
    Absolutely incredible! I had a couple dozen hens and a few roosters once, they were so much fun, but my grandma had the same idea of indoor chickens as Tom does. Really she disagrees with any indoor pet. I was so happy to see this update! I wasn't planning to procrastinate on my final paper, but I checked my email and HAD to read. I've missed this fic. I think my favorite part was 'Snape's' oh-so-casual "me" at the very end. Please continue this fic, I love it so much. 10^200 rating

    Author's Response: Thanks fot the review; I hope I didn't make your paper late! Chickens are very funny, sweet creatures; I first grew to love them in Asterix and, having had more practical experience, I'd really like to keep some of my own one day ^^ I like the part where Snape says 'me' too; he's got so low self-esteem, it just felt right to have him proud of being the best at that one thing :)
Title: Occulmency 05 Dec 2010 11:28 pm
Reviewer: cara-tanaka (Signed) [Report This]
    Awesome chapter. Hope you feel better soon. Update when you can :D

    Author's Response: Thanks ^^ glad you enjoyed it!
Title: Occulmency 05 Dec 2010 7:45 pm
Reviewer: Lady Lanera (Signed) [Report This]
    ooooh... I can't wait to see the next chapter with Snape teaching that to Harry. Poor Dumbledore. He won't even realize he's screwed until it's too late, will he? :D I love Severus and Lily's cute little scene with the chickens. Very nice chapter. Tom is rather suave, isn't he?

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Canon Voldemort was incredibly suave in his youth, as shown in HBP, so I decided to emphasise this characteristic. Also, Tom's attractiveness could explain why Dumbledore mistrusted him; having loved the handsome, charming Grindelwald, Albus would know how persuasive charisma can be.
Title: Occulmency 05 Dec 2010 6:29 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Hi, Morgana,

    I'm sorry you've been depressed lately; that's rough. I hope you're feeling better now.

    I'm really happy to see this story again! It's one of the more original ones, and I'm loving this new family unit that Harry has. Lily and the chickens are great!

    Interesting to see Lucius there. I'm glad you have a convincing explanation for Dobby while allowing Lucius to be seen in a better light. I admit that one trouble I have with 'good' Lucius stories is his mistreatment of Dobby. It needs to have some other explanation or for the author to have that just not happen because a good person would not treat anyone in such a terrible way.

    Oh, Occlumency lessons...that ought to be good!

    Oh, I loved Harry wearing the kimono the wrong way, but as Tom said, if one is not familiar with that tradition, one wouldn't know.

    Looking forward to more!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks: I've got lots of ideas for this summer- thanks to the lovely people in the Potions&Snitches chatroom- and I'm already writing the next chapter. The lovely reviews certainly do help to motivate me, though ;)

    I'm glad you like Harry's new family; I've tried to keep the characters true to canon- even good!Tom has many traits of Voldemort- and I think their personalities compliment each other. Writing the chicken scene was great fun, as was the one with the kimono; I think Harry's going to have a couple of informal lessons in Japanese culture before the summer is up! 

    Lucius has two reasons for his 'treatment' of Dobby, the latter is going to be seen at a later date, when Harry is experimenting with mind magic ;)   

Title: Occulmency 05 Dec 2010 5:52 pm
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    I did enjoy this chapter very much. I idea of Severus avoiding an arguement with Lily is great and I love Tom

    Author's Response:

    Thanks. I think Lily and Tom would probably have a fairly sparky relationship, not least because she is, technically, 21 and he, despite his experience, is biologically in his early twenties. They are also both self-confident and assertive (read bossy), whereas Severus' previous attidude was akin to that of Lucifer in Paradise Lost ("Farewell hope! and with hope, farewell fear! Farewell remorse! all good to me is lost"), now he's got his madcap father and lovely Lily back in his life- not to mention a son- Severus has unwound, leaving him a more relaxed and grounded person. Besides, Tom is stubborn enough for both himself and his son lol!

Title: Longing to Belong 20 Jul 2010 2:41 pm
Reviewer: Peg (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I'm glad to see you continuing this story. *grin* Leave an author alone and sometimes they'll produce something wonderful, as you have here. Please write more soon.

    Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm really glad you enjoyed it and, don't worry, I'm working on the update at the moment. It should be ready for release within the next 24 hours
Title: Longing to Belong 09 Jul 2010 12:46 pm
Reviewer: CarlinPaddy (Signed) [Report This]
    Yes, it was worth the wait, and yes it was worth putting of homework for a little bit but I must get back to it. I might leave a better review later.

    Author's Response: Thanks :) Hope your homework went well and that my update didn't lose you marks ;)
Title: Longing to Belong 09 Jul 2010 10:01 am
Reviewer: dancingkatz (Signed) [Report This]
    This was definitely worth the wait! I really like your Tom and Lily and Sev are wonderful together. Godric is adorable and I'm glad to see the Harry is starting to see the possibilities of his new life.

    Actually, perhaps it was for the best that Tom did what Slughorn wanted him to do because if Hagrid had been left to bring in even more dangerous creatures and more than one person could have died and Hagrid would have ended up in Azkaban.

    I really like your writing style and wish I was as good at writing conversations. I'm looking forward to seeing Harry's relationships with his Mum, Severus and Tom grow and seeing Dumbledore finally get what he deserves.


    Author's Response:

    Thanks so much ^^. I'm really glad people like Tom; I wanted to try something different with his character and writing a non-psychopathic Tom is definately interesting. (Although, on the balance, things are far *more* dangerous for Harry this way, which is going to be a lot of fun!)

    I agree, Hagrid was definately a loose canon and I doubt that he would have stopped with aragog. After all, he always wanted a dragon and, I expect, Slughorn covered up for him more often than not- valuable potions ingredients could be harvested!

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