Reviews For Harry Potter and the Order of the Pegasus
Author's Response: Thanks ^^
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I probably ought to point out, though, that this version of Dumbledore- obviously- isn't the canon Dumbledore: we're in an alternative universe and my 'Dumbledore' is merely a representation of how his personality might have evolved in different circumstances (just as my Tom Riddle isn't Voldemort). Therefore, any 'bashing' I do is most relevant to my paranoid, machiavellian Dumbledore, rather than the canon one ^^
Great chapter! Author's Response: Thanks; I've always felt so sorry for canon Harry, being left to guess in the dark rather having the facts kindly and gently explained to him. I wanted to contrast that in this story; Riddle is, ironically, anything but: he tells (or arranges other people to tell) Harry everything upfront. Author's Response: Thanks; I've always felt so sorry for canon Harry, being left to guess in the dark rather having the facts kindly and gently explained to him. I wanted to contrast that in this story; Riddle is, ironically, anything but: he tells (or arranges other people to tell) Harry everything upfront.
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm glad you're enjoying the story.
Great chapter! Author's Response: Thanks for the review; I'm glad I've captured your curiousity- alternate histories are such fun to write so I'm happy you're enjoying reading it too^^
And thank you for this one =o) Author's Response: Thanks for the review; I'm glad you're enjoying it
Thank you for the chapter! =o) Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I hope this story is going to continue to be intreguing; I've got a lot of twists and turns planned :)
Author's Response: Thanks; this is an idea I've been developing for a long time and, although it's unusual to have a light Tom Riddle, it's always struck me as such an obvious twist and I thought it would be fun to develope it into a story.
I have never seen another story like this before and you have me completely captured. I really hope that this story is going to be good and long. ;-} I love that you worked Tenseiga in, I love InuYasha and I was half expecting Sess to come around the corner and demand his sword back. ;-} I can't wait to find out what happens next. Leilia Author's Response: Thanks ^^ It's nice to know I'm being original :). I'm glad you liked my use of Tenseiga and, as for Inuyasha characters appearing... let's just say that nicking Tenseiga off an *unwilling* Sesshoumaru would be next to impossible ;)
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm glad you like it :) |
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