Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Anaphylaxis
Title: Anaphylaxis 26 Jan 2023 2:17 pm
Reviewer: AngelMoon Girl (Signed) [Report This]
    Guh. This one was even better than the last botched potions story you put out. I can see your writing improve as you go along, though really, you were already absolutely amazing to start! I so appreciate your perfect characterizations. Especially Snape, whose voice and mannerisms are probably one of the hardest to replicate. I love everything about this story, from the way Harry and Neville are building each other up at the beginning of class, to the way Harry’s allergy starts affecting him, to Snape’s POV (I love the timing of it!), to that END. OMG. I love the way Harry wakes up to the billowing robes leaving. So in character. Bravo.
Title: Anaphylaxis 11 Apr 2022 11:30 am
Reviewer: sarahsezlove (Signed) [Report This]
    Love the ending.
Title: Anaphylaxis 27 Feb 2019 8:34 am
Reviewer: MagnificentAndStrange (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow! Love this! So often allergy attacks are written as humorous in fic but they really are terrifying. I always love to read a fic where it is taken seriously. Great job, very well written indeed. :)
Title: Anaphylaxis 16 Sep 2014 5:20 pm
Reviewer: dailynightmare (Signed) [Report This]
    You described an anaphylaxis/anaphylactic reaction perfectly. I know due to having one myself a long time ago. My mother told me what happened as I was 4 when it happened.
    Basically it was just what you wrote. Superb job!!
Title: Anaphylaxis 05 Feb 2014 9:25 am
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Great story and excellent characterisation thank you
Title: Anaphylaxis 04 May 2012 7:12 pm
Reviewer: misundersnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Awww... he stayed until Harry woke up. Nice. Not keeping him company, eh? Well, I suppose technically that was true, the boy was unconscious afterall...lol.
    Poor Neville, I suppose he got the cleanup job?
    Great work - nicely done.
Title: Anaphylaxis 28 Dec 2011 2:27 am
Reviewer: LaPapillonne (Signed) [Report This]
    Awesome. I'm a sucker for Harry passing out.
Title: Anaphylaxis 13 May 2011 10:42 am
Reviewer: Zireael07 (Signed) [Report This]
    I love the way Severus figured out so quickly what caused the reaction... and putting Harry and Neville together in Potions class is bound to cause disaster :P
Title: Anaphylaxis 29 Dec 2010 5:23 am
Reviewer: Oakleaf (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great story.
    I really enjoy the way you have written this and the plot of the story.
    Well done!
Title: Anaphylaxis 28 Dec 2010 9:24 am
Reviewer: Mozalini (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww. I was just browsing the archives and came across this. I think the end is my favourite part - made me very happy indeed.

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