Reviews For A Serpent in Lion's Clothing: Resorted
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I should have some more done tomorrow, hopefully. :)
Author's Response: You're welcome. :) Thanks for the review.
Author's Response: I'm glad you like how I write those two. Most of my stories usually have some place where Snape and Sinistra are talking. I must admit that I don't usually write Sinistra this way, but she does seem to be more fun to write as this version. The talk with Harry is still coming up. Thanks for the review. :)
Author's Response: Surprisingly, that was the first thing that came to my mind when I was finishing the chapter. I don't know if you've noticed so far, but I am horrible with humor so I'm glad someone found it funny. Thanks for the review. :)
It might be best if Severus opened up to Harry, while trying to get him to do so. This situation is difficult no matter which way you look at it and I hope that they can find a way to garner trust between them. Great chapter! You know, swearing is a dangerous thing...it can get you in trouble. xD Author's Response: I am going to have Snape actually see the memories at some point. I just haven't got to it yet. And I've been told that it's a dangerous thing before. I'm actually trying to keep everyone's tempers in check. Just have the occasional slip-ups. :) Thanks for the review. :)
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. It's coming up really soon. :)
Great chappie. I hope that Harry and Draco are going to be okay. Is Snape going to take Harry away to live with him too? I hope so. Wow. I hope those Slytherins are punished for their actions; if not--Harry and Draco will not cease to be in danger! :O I can't wait for the next chappie. Nice work. Author's Response: I must admit that I've only ever written one story where Harry lives with Snape. I'm not sure if that's where I'm going with this story or not. So we'll see. Oh, the Slytherins are going to be punished. I should have a very creative punishment made up for them soon to put in a chapter. Thanks for the review. :)
Poor Draco. Can't wait to see what happens next... Author's Response: I'm glad you're liking it. Thanks for the review. :)
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. :)
What will happen to the atackers? I'm really curious. Does Severus have any kind of plan to make Harry feel at home in Slytherin? What about Neville? What is his role in all of this? Please update soon Author's Response: I guess I kind have operated under the impression that Dumbledore could overule the Sorting Hat if he wanted to. You have lots of good questions. Hopefully, I answered some of them in the next chapter. Thanks for the review. |
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