Touching chapter. I really liked how the conversation played out. I wonder if Sinistra sees so much because of arithmancy.
Great story so far. I really liked the use of the memories.
Title: Putting the Fear of God in Them
| 10 Dec 2022 6:23 am
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed)
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I like this side of Sinistra, assuming she remains on the side of good. She is an oft overlooked character, so it’s nice to see her get a prime role.
I’m glad that Severus open to talking honestly with Harry. Though I wish that he had better protected both boys, knowing that violence was a real possibility.
I wonder how Snape will handle his Slytherins and prevent another attack.
Title: Interlude of Potions Class
| 09 Dec 2022 7:26 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed)
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I love that Snape is trying to get through to Harry. I hope he succeeds soon.
Title: Settling in for a Long Night
| 09 Dec 2022 7:04 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed)
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I’m really enjoying the somewhat saucy and tension-laden dynamic between Sinistra and Snape.
Title: Slytherin’s Official Welcoming Committee
| 09 Dec 2022 6:58 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed)
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I’m intrigued by the first person perspective of your story. Snape’s inner voice seems compassionate towards Harry’s plight.
This story is bloody brilliant. I never read an Aurora/Severus fanfic, but this is really cute. Kudos to the author, and her exceptional stories.
I appeciate how you gave Professor Sinstra a more prominent role. Everyone seems to forget her as a charcter since she's not really one of the core subjects of big 4 heads of house. I have heard that she's the other option for Slytherin head of house.. but usually writers paint her as this mousy women who fits the sterotype cannon expectation of a Hufflepuff. That she is too emotional or week minded in some way. I love how you pained her as some bada hidning in the shadows who knows all secrets because of how she is often a forgotten professor. Man you made her viciously scary when she's angry. Would NOT want to mess with her. Its always the calm collected quiet ones that have the loudest roar. They forget we're here and the smart ones like Sinstra, use that to their advantage. Wonderful job.
Author's Response: lol. My other work actually has her sort of Hufflepuffish and definitely different from this one. But thank you.