Reviews For A Serpent in Lion's Clothing: Resorted
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. :)
Author's Response: That would be too easy to have Moaning Myrtle just say where Harry is. ;) Thanks for the review. :)
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. :)
Author's Response: Thanks for the review. :)
I have little doubt that Aurora did this deliberately, knowing what would happen. Like Dumbledore, she sees that this is the best thing for both of them. I wonder if she has figured out the rest of the plan that Dumbledore proposed? Author's Response: Most definitely about the not willing to admit it anytime soon. She might have figured the plan out, but we won't know that until much later. Thanks for the review. :)
Author's Response: I try not to be mushy, but it shows up every now and then. I'm going to keep going with the remaining chapters just focusing primarily on Snape and Harry's new relationship and the fiasco behind that decision on Snape's part, but Aurora is going to appear every now and then again. It'll be primarily on Snape and Harry, though. Thanks for the review. :)
Author's Response: The stories that I read always has Severus rationalize his choice before he decides and it's always so logical and nice. So in efforts to be different, I thought it would be fun to show what happens if he didn't think beforehand. Albus might have thought it might have happened, but I haven't given that much thought to it actually. I'm glad you enjoyed that scene. I thought it'd be humorous to add it. And it wasn't Severus. :) Thanks for the review.
Author's Response: Just for now. There's going to be a bit of a difficulty coming up. I do hint at it towards the end of the chapter. My thinking behind this chapter was that Harry would be trying his best to please Severus right now, and Severus was just too preoccupied to consider how Harry's reacting to be odd. I completely understand what you're saying. It is a bit too easy, but there's a reason for that. :) Thanks for the review.
Well...at least Harry would have a family finally. I'm curious to see whether Severus really marries Aurora or not. Great chappie. Author's Response: Which part is shocking, Pandora? Thanks for the review.
I like Harry´s room and Severus´ musings about it! Mila Author's Response: He's being a bit of a flip flopper. He likes that Snape is going to take care of Sinistra, but doesn't like the fact that he is going to have to share Snape with her. Hope that helps. Thanks for the question and review, Mila. |
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