Title: Chapter 1
| 04 Apr 2010 12:37 am
Reviewer: stella (Anonymous)
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I love your cheeky Harry! He enjoys manipulating Snape and pushing the boundaries set up - as much as Snape enjoys playing the cold indifferent guardian. I really like how they see through each other's act so often!
I hope we will get a chance to see what Harry gets for his birthday! I wonder if it will have anything to do with bunnies?!
Glad to see your Snape and Harry are back and getting ready for an enjoyable summer together! Well, maybe enjoyable isn't the right word - but I will certainly enjoy it, even if they do not! I am curious as to how much Snape knows about what happened in the Chamber - could it be that Albus really did not give him details on the diary and the basilisk and Fawkes having to save Harry's life there? (I am assuming you are following canon in these events - if you chose not to that will be OK too, just please fill us in on your version of the events!)
How like Snape to fuss and fret and threaten Harry and yet sit by his bedside watching him breathe as he sleeps!
Title: Chapter 2
| 25 Mar 2010 6:04 pm
Reviewer: maybell (Anonymous)
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The image of Harry in the bunny suit is SO funny.
Title: Chapter 2
| 25 Mar 2010 6:02 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Love this I wish we could have one for the end of every year I dread to think what he would say about the fourth book! Thank you so much
Title: Chapter 2
| 25 Mar 2010 2:47 am
Reviewer: Catherine (Anonymous)
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Great story and I'm eagerly awaiting the next chapter. I love the relationship between Harry and Snape in this story, though I do wish for one little moment where Snape gets a little mushy (for Snape that is) and maybe hugs Harry or tells him he loves him without all the fuss.
Anyway, excellent story!
I so love these two together.
hee hee! another awesome chapter! I loved it!
Title: Chapter 2
| 24 Mar 2010 1:20 am
Reviewer: missny1 (Anonymous)
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I'm so glad you posted more of this story, I loved the original, and all of the additions. What a great chapter. Will ron or hermione see harry this summer? Post soon!