Title: Goodbye
| 06 Apr 2014 12:36 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Lovely story and very in character thank you
I really enjoyed Harry's musings over the years of his life. The part where he had the children visit the tombs made me chuckle. Kudos for a good story!
Ahhhh loved that to bits! It was soooo emotional! :(
I love the humour and sadness mixed up in this one, and the overall nostalgic tone. Very captivating story despite Harry's rambly-ness. At times I felt like crying and in a second - laughing again, particularly when Harry says Snape's portrait gave him the finger. Ha. My first reaction was: "Huh?" And then I burst out laughing.
Very nice fic, and the ending's just the icing on the cake. Good job! (And never mind the fact that I wanted to bawl my eyes out at that point.)
Author's Response: Thanks; I really wanted to capture the bitter-sweet feeling of visiting someone's grave- and it sounds as if I succeeded from your review ^^ (I was crying at the end too lol!) Saying goodbye to someone is always hard and, often, the hardest part is getting out the words- which is why Harry rambles so much- but, after a time, the sharpness of grief fades into soft regret and one starts to remember the person, not the pain of losing them. For Harry, this means remembering that Snape wasn't just a tragic hero; he was also a sarcastic, somewhat arrogant man who would find a degree of dark humour in Harry's thoughts and feelings and, as Harry grows older, he begins to understand and like Snape for who he really was.
‘Snape Approved’ out-of-hours adventure…” Loved the story, but this is my favorite, favorite line!!!! Who would have ever thought there would be such a thing!
Author's Response: I think it's easy to imagine that, with James as a son, Harry mentioned his curfew breaking a fair few times more lol! Thanks for the review.
Wicked! Completely wicked! Not at all sad even if they both died. Good work! Nice twist in the end, too. Mila
Author's Response: Thanks ^^
Incrediable story. Almost wish that had been how she'd ended it. I never did agree with that ending..or for him dying for that matter. But, perhaps it was best that he did. He was probably as tired as Dumbledore, young as he was. Kudos on a job well done.
Author's Response: Thanks for the review: I'm glad to know that you enjoyed it ^^. I wasn't happy either that Snape died: I spent almost all of the time I read the seventh book thinking 'Don't kill Snape. Please don't kill off Snape" and, like you, I was very disappointed: although I think Severus was probably ready to go, it would have been nice if Severus had a chance to recover hope and spirits. However, as it'd probably have taken an eighth book to span Snape's recovery, I think that it was probably tidiest for Severus to die. (Not that I would have minded an eighth book lol) Also, in the real world, good men do live thankless, hopeless lives of quiet desperation, so Severus's canon life story was highly realistic.
Title: Goodbye
| 03 Apr 2010 12:38 am
Reviewer: heartstar (Anonymous)
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OH! I like this I really Liked this very much VEry well done I almost cyed *S*
Author's Response: Thank you: I hoped this idea would work out well ^^
A beautiful addendum to JKR's epilogue. I especially enjoyed the end, when Severus led Harry on the next great adventure. He'd been quiet for all of those years, allowing both of them to grow and for him to come to the final stage of acceptance (or so that is how I read it). Loved it.
Author's Response: Thanks ^^: I'm glad you liked it ^^ I thought that Harry, who is a very sensitive person, would probably be drawn to Severus's grave, first through guilt and, later on, because he feels great empathy for his dead teacher. And, as you've said, this has led Harry and Severus to be able to get to know each other in a way that they could not when he was alive, mainly because they'd both be hiding behind their words to a greater of lesser extent.