Title: Chapter 13
| 02 Sep 2019 3:57 pm
Reviewer: ARim (Signed)
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Sev Snape's determination : He was a grown man that did not need a guest room. You keep on describing these two to a T, and I Melt. It is a lovely story, and, Huzzah, it continues over on fanficnet, and evolves into many more chapters. I always cross-check, when a good yarn has me in its grip. Hope springs ever green. Thank you, authoress, for writing so gently and compassionately.
Title: Chapter 13
| 09 Feb 2016 10:51 am
Reviewer: Snapeeee (Anonymous)
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Love this sooooo much! Wow and wow. Looking forward to more of your Harry and Snape bonding! :)
Love this sooooo much! Wow and wow. Looking forward to more of your Harry and Snape bonding! :)
I love this story and I really hope you continue it soon! The Harry/Snape relationship is so sweet and awesome and I love your writing style so much!!!!
You have a good story here. However, be a bit more careful with spelling and grammar. Words like 'meanwhile' and 'without' should writen as one word, not two. Hope that is helpful
Title: Chapter 13
| 06 Feb 2011 11:07 pm
Reviewer: murdrax (Anonymous)
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wow what a cool story when i first foudn this i was very curious now im hooked please update soon!!
Title: Chapter 7
| 27 Jan 2011 11:39 am
Reviewer: mikaye (Anonymous)
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snape is like a indulgent father
I can't wait to read more of this
Author's Response: Thanks a lot for reading. LL