This was intriguing, suspenseful, and simply beautiful. Thanks for your story.
Title: Aftershock - Part II
| 29 Mar 2018 12:57 am
Reviewer: Mae19 (Anonymous)
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Yes, another sequel, can't wait to read it. Also, so glad Harry's okay and hope both he and Harry recover
such a heart breaking story!! hope harry wake up soon...
I believe your goal is to lure your fans into your story with your wonderful work, then rip the hearts out of poor innocent readers’ chests. This is the conclusion I have come to after reading this beautiful and terrible chapter. I loved it. And hated it. Update soon. I’m going off to cry now. T~T
Good grief, Harry. You think too much. And with you it's all or nothing. Snape was obviously happy to see you and eager for you to see him as unbroken when he returned. So he did miss you but just needed some time to himself. Maybe you should talk to him before offing yourself?
Author's Response: I love your reviews. They make me laugh! I don't know if that's your intention, but they do, and they inspire me to keep writing, so thank you! :-)
Harry, Harry, Harry. Draco warned you not to mother-hen Snape because it would drive him crazy but you just wouldn't listen. You did a good job showing how annoying that would be. I would have bitten his head off.
Oh, Harry... Poor babies. All of them. Thank you for the wonderful update. I’m waiting patiently for the next chapter!
Title: Aftershock - Part II
| 03 Mar 2018 7:58 am
Reviewer: rosina (Signed)
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Well, that's a relief - I think. It's hard to see how Harry will recover enough to count the blessings of his wonderful friends, but maybe Severus can sort him out.
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