Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Inverted
Title: Aftermath 26 May 2010 4:22 pm
Reviewer: graynavarre (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow, looking forward to more.

    I notice that there was no mention of James Prince (Snape) or Lucius Malfoy.

    I am betting that Dudley has a happier life than Harry did

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review. James doesn't turn up in 'Aftermath' because, following the last dressing down he recieved from Voldemort, he has realised that, when Voldemort makes an order, he expects that order to be followed, come what may. James was told to cosy up to Dumbledore and, as Voldemort seems to boast- albeit in an enigmatic way- I expect James has guessed that dead is not forever. Therefore, James will continue carrying out Voldemort's orders until he is told otherwise. Lucius hasn't appeared because, firstly, during his Hogwarts years, Severus was too clearly alligned to the Light to make him a possible recruit and, after Hogwarts, Severus is just too powerful an adversary for the machiavellian Mr Malfoy lol! Secondly, James Snape, although smart, does not have Severus' genius and was obviously 'born to trouble as the sparks fly upward', thereby making him an unsuitable friend during Hogwarts and, after Hogwarts... well, let's just say that one 'Bellatrix' type in your immediate social circle is more than enough even for a dark wizard!  
Title: Aftermath 26 Apr 2010 4:03 pm
Reviewer: Peg (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Wonderful story so far! I especially like that Dudley will be raised by the Potters. How different will his life be now? I eagerly await more.

    Author's Response: Thanks ^^. I didn't actually plan that when I was plotting the story but, when I got to that junction, I realised that Lily would not be Lily if she did not demand custody and, if she didn't, Severus would definately not leave Dudley's welfare to fate.
Title: Aftermath 20 Apr 2010 3:19 pm
Reviewer: DS (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Awesome! I loved the idea of the places of Severus and James changed. It just makes so much more sense! I will look forward to the updates!

    Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm glad you're enjoying it :)
Title: Aftermath 18 Apr 2010 11:48 am
Reviewer: Periwinkle (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This is such a fantastic idea! The thing about soul sorting is so original... poor James. I like how you included Sirius... and how you didn't change him! But shouldn't Lily have been in Ravenclaw? If she's not courageous, then isn't her most distinct trait her intellect? Anyway, great story.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks! I'm glad readers have taken to the idea: I was worried that it'd be too original lol! Sirius was fun to evolve: with strong-minded Severus and Lily endorsing Remus, Sirius would be taught that empathy and prudence are laudable traits and, over time, would learn to govern his high spirits and to 'look before he leaps'. However, he is still the same enthusiastic, spirited, brave and slightly dotty Sirius, just one with three cautioning angels on his shoulders, opposed to the two little devils which James and Pettigrew were lol!

    As for Lily's sorting; while Lily is very bright, I think that, next to her bravery, it's her kindness that really shines out, making Hufflepuff a strong possibility. Also, Severus suggested it and his reasoning was pretty sound: for a muggleborn, a nest of kindly, protective, goodnatured badgers would be a perfect environment to grow.

Title: Aftermath 16 Apr 2010 10:17 am
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Interesting ideas thank you

    Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm glad you're enjoying it

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