I'm glad that Severus had just enough strength to portkey himself to safety and to warn Dumbledore about Harry. I hope that Poppy and the other healer will be able to get Severus stabilized enough for him to truly heal. I have a feeling that Harry's presence might be key to Severus' mental well-being. I don't know why, but I just do.
Very dramatic! I'm liking the idea of Harry and Snape having to go into hiding together though - sounds like a great opportunity to solve their problems and start to get along... :)
Wow - this is amazing! I hope Harry saves snape and they start to get along better ... looking forward to the next chapter :)
No ! I want more please do not stop there please update again soon! thank you
Oh..the cruelty! What a mean way to end the chapter! I do hope that something will happen to distract Voldemort from what he is doing. Will Harry and the Order be able to rescue Severus? Or will Severus manage somehow to escape?
Harry certainly is bitter about his and Severus' past association, isn't he? I suppose that I don't entirely blame him, but you would think that Harry would at the very least be grateful that the man saved him! Someone needs to give Harry a swift kick in the rear for his lack of gratitude to the man that saved his life! I wonder if Harry's attitude will change over time, particularly if Severus' behavior toward him changes for the better?
Title: Chapter 2: Damnation
| 25 May 2010 12:51 am
Reviewer: missny1 (Anonymous)
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Will we find out what Snape did to the Dursleys, and did the weasleys visit harry. Please post soon, great chapter.
Title: Chapter 2: Damnation
| 24 May 2010 9:22 pm
Reviewer: Snapesthe1 (Anonymous)
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Looking forward to more of your story to see where your plot takes us:) Very realistic that Harry can't just give up his mistrust and Snape can't just give it to his "kinder" impulses.
Title: Chapter 2: Damnation
| 24 May 2010 8:29 pm
Reviewer: mercurywrites_arm (Anonymous)
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I love it, keep going! :)
Title: Chapter 1: Patronus Talking
| 24 May 2010 3:46 pm
Reviewer: A Nonne. (Anonymous)
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Wow, what an opening! Very dramatic and well-written. Please continue!
One medical detail that you may find useful. If too many ribs are snapped, it actually becomes difficult for a person to inflate their lungs by breathing in. The lungs are like a bag that depends on the structure of the ribcage to stay "stretched".