It is a beautiful story, I would like to know more about it. I hope you could continue writing and complete it. Thanks. Regards.
Title: Chapter 6: Saying Good-Bye
| 19 Nov 2015 1:02 am
Reviewer: woodyt (Signed)
| [Report This]
I like this, update soon.
are you going to finish this?
Title: Chapter 6: Saying Good-Bye
| 23 May 2011 4:44 pm
Reviewer: Muzik:) (Anonymous)
| [Report This]
Oh no... What. A. Cliffhanger! I wish you'd updatde asap please! It s a great story!
More, more, more!!!! Please :D
Title: Chapter 6: Saying Good-Bye
| 25 Jun 2010 5:55 pm
Reviewer: Velesia (Anonymous)
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Please continue to update! I'm enjoying your story thus far and would like to read more. I appreciate that you have good grammar and a subtle writing style, your conversations have been genuine so far and the turn of events has been compelling. Can't wait to see more!
I wonder where Dumbledore is sending Harry and Severus? There can't be that many places that would be safe for them and I doubt he would send them to Spinner's End. The Dursleys are of course NOT an option. I wonder if Hermione will be able to do as Luna suggested?
I hope that Severus will have as close to a full recovery as possible. I think that perhaps Ron now has a new outlook on what happened to Severus and will no long make jokes about it (at least I hope). I know that Hermione will do all that she can to help both Harry and Severus during the time they are in hiding. Great chapter!
great chapter! you might want to put a line between changes of time though. great job!