Title: The Piersons
| 10 Apr 2012 9:36 am
Reviewer: Foreverhope (Anonymous)
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It's late and I can't sleep, and I've enjoyed having this story as company. Your plot is interesting and original, and this may be the first story I've read where Harry wasn't, in some form or another, The-Boy-Who-Lived. It's nice to read a different perspective.
I'm curious about this new family, and what their role in Harry's life will be. It seems that they may work to help heal Lily and reunite Harry and Severus, and that would be awesome to see.
I'm kind of glad that Severus sent Harry away again; even though he didn't want to, he truly did what he thought would be best for Harry. It's a very Severus thing to do. I like that the story is progressing at a realistic pace, and that everything is not sunshine-and-rainbows overnight. That's nice to read.
If you are looking for a suggestion, one thing I've been noticing throughout the story is that Harry has had little to no reaction to suddenly being thrust into the magical world. The fact that he was, indeed, a wizard, felt sort of casually thrown in, and there wasn't any of the wonder/surprise/repulsion/any sort of strong reaction that I would expect from someone seeing magic for the first time. I get that Harry, in this story, has always known that he was different, so it would be easier to accept his own magic, but even still...at the very least it would be nice to see terms explained more realistically; for example, in this chapter, the other characters are suddenly using terms like half-blood, pureblood and muggleborn. I don't even remember Harry learning the word "Muggle" yet, but he's already using it.
Sorry if that sounds really nit-picky. It's really the only criticism that I have. This story is great, and I only take the time to offer critique to stories that are really worth reading, so I hope you take all of this as a compliment.
I hope to see more soon!