love the progress of severus and lucy's realtionship!!
Title: At Spinner's End
| 22 May 2013 5:36 pm
Reviewer: Marie (Anonymous)
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the taste of 'ass' that came from not being able to brush her teeth for a couple days. Ass? What strange new expression is this?
gaaaah!! all the happy tears...and in the middle of work too...*O* oh it was lovely! amazing! fantastic! wow...
thank you so much!
Title: Epilogue
| 06 Dec 2012 7:18 pm
Reviewer: kspence (Anonymous)
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I really enjoyed your story.
The scene at the ballet was great. Thank goodness Lucy was there to explain the technicalities of male ballet dancers to Harry. I am glad to see Sirius Black willing to accept Severus. He is so often portrayed as an unchanging bully that it is refreshing to see him so open minded.
The scenes of Harry in the forest were really effective. I could feel how scared he was and how frightening the Forbidden Forest was at night. I liked the end where they were all together, safe in bed, too. Of course, Harry will be in for it but for the moment it is all peaceful.
Title: Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones But Words Are Far More Hurtful
| 11 Nov 2012 11:23 pm
Reviewer: bridgeportfox (Signed)
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Oh dear, their first fight. It had to happen sometime. They are both so strong-willed and sometimes you just accidently step on the other person's toes. Harry will be upset when he finds his mummy is gone. I did see a couple of mis-spellings. The phrase is 'little pitchers have big ears' and it should be 'stagnant waste' not waist.
Hahahahaha. Surprise! I doubt Lucy or Severus expected that.
I had to laugh at Harry's misunderstanding of the 'serious' prisoner. Sirius may be gunning for Severus but the one he should be watching for is Lucy. If she catches him after either of her guys, she will do some 'serious' damage.