Title: Chapter 10 - No Turning Back
| 13 Jul 2010 2:58 pm
Reviewer: DS (Anonymous)
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Fantastic! This chapter did explain and surprise in a pleasant way. I still feel bad for Dumbledore though..
Oh I loved this chapter!! It was very, very good. I love Snape taking care of Harry, and the two of them working together. Great job!
Title: Chapter 9 - Mercy Earned
| 11 Jul 2010 5:50 pm
Reviewer: DS (Anonymous)
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Snape knew about Harry's allergy. So why was there a bee in the crab's box? I find it unbelievable that Dumbledore was killed by Fenrir. Surely Dumbledore was more than strong enough wizard to fight a werewolf! Why didn't he just stun Malfoy and prevent Greyback from entering the castle? Nothing in this chapter makes sense!
Title: Chapter 9 - Mercy Earned
| 11 Jul 2010 3:46 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed)
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Uh, I'm a little confused. What happened at the end there exactly.
What did Snape give Harry? I'm really slow I know, but I'm lost.
Great chappie, but I'm so sad that Dumbles died. I guess everyone is wondering why Snape was so nice to Harry, and how he knew about the epipen. I think that the gig is up, isn't it?
OOh, I can't wait for the next chappie.
Title: Chapter 9 - Mercy Earned
| 11 Jul 2010 3:12 pm
Reviewer: karee (Signed)
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Absolutely fantastic! I thought at first that Snape had put the bee in the box... but when he wondered why the crab hadn't eaten it, I began to wonder... and then I remembered that Dumbledore means "bee"... and now my mind is whirling about all sorts of things that won't be answered until you post the new chapter. *grin*
I really liked your version of Dumbledore's death--much better, actually than the canon version. As always I love the dynamic between Severus and Harry/Elliot and am looking forward to seeing what happens next, and just what the after effects of the potion will be. I'm assuming it's the one that will destroy the horcrux in Harry's brain.
I still loved the idea of a hive of bees landing on Voldemort (and hopefully doing him in). I do wonder if the bee allergy is actually Voldy's and will disappear once the horcrux is gone, or if it is really Harry's allergy. That leads me to think that since Voldy's new body was constructed using Harry's blood, maybe Harry gave him the bee allergy.
BTW, while bees are dormant in the winter in general, if they have built their hives between the interior walls of a house, they stay active a lot longer, since the house usually has heat. So getting a bee sting in January isn't quite that unusual in some places in the northern hemisphere.
Excellent tale, awesome cliff hanger, and staying on my list of favorites. :) Well done!
I wonder if the bee was deliberately planted or merely a terrible coincendence? I do hope that Harry will be alright...
Title: Chapter 9 - Mercy Earned
| 11 Jul 2010 12:43 am
Reviewer: malimed (Anonymous)
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holy crap!!!
you . . .
i . . .
holy crap.
(i mean that in the best way possible.)
Title: Chapter 8 - Christmas is all around
| 10 Jul 2010 6:11 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Thank you so much for de-aging Harry for Christmas!
Title: Chapter 8 - Christmas is all around
| 09 Jul 2010 2:49 pm
Reviewer: karee (Signed)
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Thanks for the quick update, I love when harry is six its adorable.... is harry really going to need to re-learn everything, he will b like a baby in a teenagers body? See ya soon