Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 1 - Welcome Back to Hogwarts 08 Jun 2010 1:16 am
Reviewer: Sisyphus (Signed) [Report This]
    I'm so glad you're continuing with these stories - this has become one of my favorites! I love how your Snape is so very in character, but still manages to provide Harry with what he needs. Their relationship is warm, but not gooey, as sometimes happens in adoption fics. Keep up the wonderful work, I'm truly enjoying reading this!
Title: Chapter 1 - Welcome Back to Hogwarts 07 Jun 2010 9:07 pm
Reviewer: Victory-Starr (Signed) [Report This]
    "This is huge. Like, prison huge." National Treasure fan, are we? I freakin' LOVE that film! ;-)

    I am soooo happy to see this! This chapter was so good. I loved how Harry said he'd never felt guilty about getting in trouble before. That was a nice, little profound moment for him.

    This story sounds like it'll be as good as your first, if not better. :-)

    Keep up the nice work!

    Author's Response:

    If you pay attention well enough you'll notice all sorts of very subtle and some not so subtle throwbacks to movies and books. ;)  A lot of Douglas Adams, but I mash it up depending on my mood. And thanks!

Title: Chapter 1 - Welcome Back to Hogwarts 07 Jun 2010 6:47 pm
Reviewer: Leigh (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I really love this series. Thanks for the update. I really like when Snape uses the name Elliot. It makes me feel more of the story. I think you use this element well.
Title: Chapter 1 - Welcome Back to Hogwarts 07 Jun 2010 5:37 pm
Reviewer: LLALVA (Signed) [Report This]
    I love it!! I thought that Harry was going to tell Hermione and Ron about the adoption. And Harry is so at ease with Snape! I like it very much that he felt guilty and also the snake at Snape's door mocking him! Welcome back. LL
Title: Chapter 1 - Welcome Back to Hogwarts 07 Jun 2010 3:14 pm
Reviewer: Susana (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great first chapter! Thanks for writing, I am definitely looking forward to later installments.
Title: Chapter 1 - Welcome Back to Hogwarts 07 Jun 2010 1:47 pm
Reviewer: anon (Anonymous) [Report This]
    That is all I have to say.
Title: Chapter 1 - Welcome Back to Hogwarts 07 Jun 2010 1:31 pm
Reviewer: love_it (Signed) [Report This]
    That was so great. I could just imagine Harry getting all paranoid about Snape's veritaserum... haha Snape can be rather sneaky, and he still hasn't announced any punishment (and of course, it is too much to hope that he 'forgot' because Snape never forgets anything).
    I am so in love with your Severus. He is witty, clever, and so slytherin while still being affectionate and huggy (by his standards)! I'm glad you started a sequel
Title: Chapter 1 - Welcome Back to Hogwarts 07 Jun 2010 9:55 am
Reviewer: Jaylen (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I love reading your story!! The first one was great and the sequel is off to a bang, literally. You have wonderful humor in your story, but the thing I like the most is that Harry is still his mature, cocky, teenage self. I have a harder time with stories where he goes off and does all the incredibly brave and stupid things he does and yet is very childish and needy. You are keeping Harry very mature for his age, which I believe he should be after his life up to this point, and yet you allow him to believibly regress when he takes the age reducing potion. Great idea!! It allows us to see Harry expressing his needy, vunerable inner child in a believable way. You have a very sophisticated and witty writing style. Can't wait for the next chapter. Thanks so much for sharing your writing with us.
Title: Chapter 1 - Welcome Back to Hogwarts 07 Jun 2010 8:42 am
Reviewer: Shadow (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Super! A sequel already! Thank you =D
Title: Chapter 1 - Welcome Back to Hogwarts 07 Jun 2010 6:03 am
Reviewer: Wrinkled_Fabric (Signed) [Report This]
    Awesome start, already can't wait for more. I love the banter and the snark. Harry's balance between home and school is going well so far, love the scene with Boggart!Draco. Brilliant, looking forward to more.

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