Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Chapter 14 - You're Home Again 08 Jun 2011 4:26 pm
Reviewer: 1sunfun (Signed) [Report This]
    Nice, interessting, exciting and original story. Sad and happy.
Title: Chapter 14 - You're Home Again 26 Dec 2010 10:44 pm
Reviewer: Hope_06 (Signed) [Report This]
    wow what a story wow whata series i was rivited from the begginning you know not only to write Harry/ Eliot but also Snape. and also the other character mcgonagall, hermionie, ron especially well done
Title: Chapter 13 - The Stain of Ink 26 Dec 2010 10:26 pm
Reviewer: Hope_06 (Signed) [Report This]
    neville is defintly a hidden gem

    and awww poor HArry or should i say elliot it is not easy to deal with brain damage
Title: Chapter 11 - Not Quite Terrible Twos 26 Dec 2010 9:51 pm
Reviewer: Hope_06 (Signed) [Report This]
    "I wish to apologize to you, Severus." The headmaster said, catching the silence of the other portraits. "I have asked you to sacrifice too many things in this war. Your time, your intelligence, your safety, and your dignity. I had even thought Harry would have to sacrifice himself in the end. As it turned out, and as in many things, I was wrong."

    wow that wsa powerful i only wish dumblodore had made this apology in the books as both Harry and Severus were underestimated by dumbldore.

    there was so many sweet moments in this
Title: Chapter 10 - No Turning Back 26 Dec 2010 9:32 pm
Reviewer: Hope_06 (Signed) [Report This]
    like father like son they both instently went to get draco and the accidental magic not a surprise neither is non verbal

    and Dumbldore and bumblebee even in this version Dumbldore helps in a way
Title: Chapter 4 - Clicking into Place 26 Dec 2010 6:39 pm
Reviewer: Hope_06 (Signed) [Report This]
    awwww loved this and loved Snape he knew that the other two would be worried but also needed prooof and Hermionie's comment
    ""But Harry needs a family of his own. One where he won't get lost in the shuffle."" that is powerful
Title: Chapter 14 - You're Home Again 25 Dec 2010 2:40 am
Reviewer: Ankita (Anonymous) [Report This]
    hey...just finished reading the story...both parts! perfect!!!
    its well written...snape and harry have been portrayed just as they should have been...nothing unrealistic about them! I mean i can never see snape as the mushy sorts but you were just right! loved it!!! Not too long..not too short! thats why perfect!
Title: Chapter 14 - You're Home Again 14 Aug 2010 11:19 am
Reviewer: Shadow (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Great story and great ending! Thank you very much!
Title: Chapter 14 - You're Home Again 12 Aug 2010 4:27 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Thank you so much for a great story and for completing the story to such a good conclusion.
Title: Chapter 13 - The Stain of Ink 12 Aug 2010 12:37 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Wonderful chapter but just when it was supposed to be alright! You are a mean one to your characters!

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