I really think that Harry needed a chance to really say goodbye to his parents. A part of him will always wonder what he missed not having them, but at least now he has his father and a good life. I know that he will be happy.
Poor Rita! -snickers- It's about time that someone helped her learn a lesson. She was foolish to think that she would be able to get away with her spying on Harry with Severus around to protect him. I really liked the little curse that Severus came up with as her punishment and let us not forget all the lawsuits that she will be facing.... :D
Great story!
Title: Chapter 11 - Not Quite Terrible Twos
| 11 Aug 2010 6:09 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Great chapter I love Harry as a toddler I wish he could stay that way. Thank you so much
Title: Chapter 14 - You're Home Again
| 09 Aug 2010 3:46 pm
Reviewer: Buchling (Anonymous)
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Thank you so much for this truly amazing story and for its prequel as well. Your characterisations are superb and well-balanced. I rarely found anything comparable in fanfiction. There are so many wonderful ideas and funny or touching little details incorporated into the plotline. It is impossible to list them all. Your descriptions of Amsterdam are so vivid you made me long to go there. You managed to capture the feeling of what 'home' and 'family' are supposed to be like. We have this wonderful word in german: Geborgenheit. It means safety, warmth, snugness, trust, contentment, peace and more all at once. You managed to convey this feeling in a beautiful and colourful way. Thank you again for this story and please consider a sequel.
Title: Chapter 14 - You're Home Again
| 08 Aug 2010 1:34 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous)
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Both stories were awesome! Will you be doing a sequel to this? Please say yes!
Bravo! *enthusiastic applause*
Brilliantly done, clear-through, Oliver! Loved the retribution against Skeeter. Very fitting. Oh, and one of my favorite lines, this chapter: "Sweet shit in a cauldron." I'll have to add that to my verbal artillery. ^^
Though, I (like many others) would love to see another installment in this delightful universe, I'm very satisfied with the conclusion you have brought us to in this tale.
Absolutely wonderful. Thanks so much for sharing!
Loved how Harry got distracted by the babelfish repeating his words. ^^ I felt so sorry for him when he was all frustrated, though.
Oh! Oh! And his patronus! So CUTE!
"A Broken Thesaurus"... very apropos title for yet another great chapter. ^^
Another nicely written chapter. Well done with the paraphasia. I like how certain things, memories in particular, seem to be tied in with the horcrux. Very probable - I love it.
Huzzah! Voldie's finally dead! ^^
Awesome chapter, this. Loved the use of the bee venom to kill Him and the mention of how Dumbledore mean bumblebee, tying it in nicely. 14-month-old Harry is adorable, though, I do look forward to seeing how well off he is with the horcrux gone.
Oh, that sucks, getting stung in January. >.<
Great chapter!