Please come back to this. I just re-read it for the billionth time. :D
I like the story so far and am wondering ig it will be continued.
I have to say: you have a lot of great stories and I love reading them!
Good to read this again. I just wish it had been finished.
Okay. You have a ton of stories that you have written, and I so enjoy alll of them!!!!!! I just need to figure out when you update them. 🙂
I really hope you continue this.
Title: Hagrid's Pets
| 27 Mar 2015 9:13 pm
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous)
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Of all your amazing stories - I am drawn back to this one time and time again. I hope you are, too, one day, as I would love to read more!
Title: Hagrid's Pets
| 27 Mar 2015 7:25 am
Reviewer: GothDyke (Anonymous)
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This is the first story of its kind in which Harry stutters that I have discovered so far, and I genuinely enjoyed reading what you have written until now. I really like how the improvement or worsening of Harry's stutter mirrors the state of his relationship with Snape. And I love how quiet and unspectacular this story is told by you.
But there seems still so much more to tell... And since your last update was 4 years ago now, I wanted to give you a friendly nudge to continue with a new chapter because maybe this WIP has fallen off your radar. So, please, make my day with an update.
i wonder what their punishment will be.