Title: Christmas
| 22 Jun 2010 7:32 pm
Reviewer: S.S (Anonymous)
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Loved the new chapter... I'm glad their was more bonding in this chapter between Snape and Harry... Can't wait to read more
his was very Sweat I loved it! I love how he mad harry clean after he healed him.
Title: Christmas
| 22 Jun 2010 5:11 pm
Reviewer: La Mariane (Anonymous)
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I've just found your story and I relly like it. I love the way Harry's and Snape's relationship slowly evolves.
Ooh so good to see an update so soon after I last read the story! this chapter was cool, I liked the ineteraction between Severus and Harry :)
Awwww! What an amazing chapter! I just loved it! Can't wait to see what's next!
Oooh I like! I just found this today and am loving it so far, the idea of a stutter for Harry is one that I havent come accross before, I love that Ron and Hermione werent bothered about it and befriended him anyway and also that Severus decided to help him with it too, your Severus is great so far and Harry too, I cant wait to read more :D
Very good! Poor Harry! Can't wait to see what's next!
I've really been enjoying this story! I think it's very original and well written. Update soon :D
Wwo I wonder when Snape will notice the broken rib?
I like your story so far, and I really didn't realised you posted two new chapters. What a surprise! And I have to say I didn't imagine that Harry would meet Severus in this way. Nicely done!