yay, Harry's finally done it! And he's finally starting to fit in
Hey there, good chapter! You are a very great writer, only one thing-you might want to have Snape or someone else heal Harry, as he substained injuries via his lovely uncle. I liked this chapter much!
Author's Response: Have patience. That was coming later on. Thanks for the review!
wow, i love the quick updates. thank you. So harry will spend christmas at Snape's, wow, lots of time to get to know eachother better. Will snape get harry something for christmas? Or vice versa?
Title: Stowaway
| 21 Jun 2010 3:17 pm
Reviewer: Deco (Anonymous)
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Well, the plot thickens...I'm enjoying the story.
Title: Stowaway
| 21 Jun 2010 3:17 pm
Reviewer: Deco (Anonymous)
| [Report This]
Well, the plot thickens...I'm enjoying the story.
Title: Stowaway
| 21 Jun 2010 2:41 pm
Reviewer: Anon #37 (Anonymous)
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Once again your portrayal of Snape strikes exactly the right tone for me! Great chapter.
One note, I don't think his ribs are broken as you earlier implied *might* be the case, he'd be in a LOT more pain. Sounds like they're bruised, which is painful but not excruciating.
Title: Just P Plain Harry
| 21 Jun 2010 2:39 pm
Reviewer: Anon #37 (Anonymous)
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Good chapter! I like your portrayal of Snape secretly tutoring Harry: Not too mean, not too uncharacteristically kind, just right!
Title: A Spell Gone Right
| 21 Jun 2010 2:37 pm
Reviewer: Anon #37 (Anonymous)
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I enjoyed this, and props to Carol for the singing!
the story is really good so far, I can't wait for more :)
I am conecting with Harry on this story. I had a stutter growing up and I didn't speak much because others would make fun. The other annoying thing (which I notice is not here) was that people would get so fustrated with the amount of time it took me to get my words/sentances out, that they would finish my words/sentances for me. This was particually annoying since they could do it easily and i couldnt.
The singing thing made me chuckle because that was something i noticed on my own and it did help.
Can't wait to read more of this.