Ooh! I loved the ending! Sev is so sexy! I also loved the way the werewold caper was rewritten and how Hagrid helped save Gaby. I was worried, even though I already knew he oculdn't have died then. Such a great story!
Great chapter! I never liked the Marauders and was glad that Gabe came to help out. I think Lily tried her best too, but something tells me she made a mistake.
Title: All Hallows Eve
| 11 Aug 2010 1:55 pm
Reviewer: Carol (Anonymous)
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I certainly hope so too! It'd be awesome to see a wittle snape running around! And I hope that it turns out it wasn't so bad...even if James died. As much as I didn't like the man, he's still Harry's Da.
Title: All Hallows Eve
| 11 Aug 2010 1:51 pm
Reviewer: Judy (Signed)
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Great chapter! I loved how things worked out and the Bella as a seer worked out awesomely!
Title: Eyes and Ears
| 11 Aug 2010 1:40 pm
Reviewer: Judy (Signed)
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I hope everything is okay with your neice and that your hand recovers too. I loved this part, it was so well put together. But I felt really bad when Shelby died. Poor girl! Sev shouldn't feel guilty though, how could he have known about the fire? Such a great story! Am eager to read more!
Title: But For A Dog
| 11 Aug 2010 1:32 pm
Reviewer: Judy (Signed)
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Yay Gabriel! This is such a heartbreakingly sad yet wonderful chapter!But I'm glad severus realized his mistake in time and isn't going dark now. Off to read more!
What an awesome chapter! I love the reverse prophecy and everything.
Aww poor Shelby! I really liked her. I also liked how you made Sev and Eileen spies, that's a neat twist. Sev's meeting with Lily was good too, though I felt bad for him, since Lily's mistake cost him the woman he loved.
The poem was beautiful! It made me cry! I also loved how Sev was saved by the love of his collie, it was very moving and so true! Loving this story!
Title: All Hallows Eve
| 11 Aug 2010 12:37 pm
Reviewer: Baghi (Signed)
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Well, that was interesting in the extreme :). *hugs* I send my prayers to you and your family, that you remain safe and whole throughout. Kudos on two wonderful chapters.