Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For But For A Dog
Title: Stalwart Defender 07 Jul 2010 5:27 am
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    Poor Sev and Harry! I'm glad that both of them had Gabe to rescue them. He's a great dog and mine would have done the same thing.

    I like how you do one event in present time and some in the past. Awesome!
Title: The Great Werewolf Caper 06 Jul 2010 4:17 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Men really are good heaters XD

    But how terrible for Severus! But the dark magic's having something over him I bet, that's partly why he's so moody. But I'm glad that he could help Remus in potions. I feel terrible for poor Remus, I always do. He didn't want to hurt anyone, but then his friends almost made him KILL someone. I'm with McGonagall, that was not an "accident" that was attempted murder!! It'd be the same as pushing someone into the path of a bus or something, but I'm sure the Marauders would have just blamed the bus. >_<

    But Lily still thinks she has to be with James. How silly of her. Honor is important and all, but still, James DID go back on his word. Even if it had been Sirius's idea, James KNEW and didn't stop it, but changed his mind. Stupid arse!

    Great update Snapegirl! Still loving the story! :D

    Author's Response:

    Yes, they sure are! Not that I would know . . .since I'm not married . . .snicker!

    Yes, you're right. The dark magic is slowly corrupting him. 

    Yeah, he really hates being a werewolf and it was cruel for his friends to make him almost kill someone as a "prank"! Some prank! They almost killed their friend and Severus! Because if Severus had got bit, then the Ministry would have sentenced Remus to death.  J and S were so irresponsible! I guess they never thought about that when they let Remus out of the Shack to roam around at night either! They were really playing with fire, because a werewolf's not a dog . .. it's a dangerous magical creature!

    You're right, they sure would have! "But sir, you see, . . .the bus wasn;t there one minute and the next it was . . .we didn't know it was going to run over Snape, sir . . ."

    Yes, well, there's another reason why Lily's with James right then. You'll learn more about that later though.

    Thanks for defending me on ff.net.  I think you started a landslide, because there are more reviewers angry over what that prat posted also! Alyssana Brightheart's review was especially sharp and pointed, without being vulgar.

    And now . . .here's the next chapter! 

Title: The Great Werewolf Caper 06 Jul 2010 7:24 am
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Go McGonagall! Finally somebody does something about the bloody bullies! That was a very scary scene though, with Lupin coming after them in the tunnel and Gabe protecting Severus. I'm so glad Gabe didn't get cursed or die.

    I also love how at the end, Sev and Lily tease each other. So sweet!

    Author's Response: Yes, it was. I would not kill Gabe off before his time. After all, this is HIS story!
Title: Stalwart Defender 06 Jul 2010 7:10 am
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    I finally have time to read a little after my very long and busy weekend!

    This was a brilliant chapter! I so hope the Marauders get theirs!

    I feel bad for both Severus and Lily now, and I love how Gabe rescued both Severus and Harry. Collies are so awesome!
Title: Stalwart Defender 05 Jul 2010 10:02 am
Reviewer: mworth1019 (Signed) [Report This]
    wow what a story.......

    Author's Response: Thanks so much! I'm glad you're enjoying it.
Title: Stalwart Defender 05 Jul 2010 2:15 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Peter pissed on Severus?!?! That's disgusting!!! To say the least! What a little bastard!! I'm sorry, but that whole thing just made my blood boil! What kind of people do that? Honestly! Though it's sad to know that there really ARE people like that...but I just think Peter, James, and Sirius need to get their arses handed to them on a plater. How terrible!! DX

    And Harry got beat up for no reason! It's hard for me to think of people really doing that, probably because I'm a small town girl and I'm pretty much related to everyone around here, but man! How terrible!! Poor Severus and HArry! I'm just...just horrified! I know it's not real but man! Things like this really do happen, and it's just terrible. Lucky Gabe came to save both Harry and Sev though. Other people might not have the friends to come for them.

    But now Severus is getting into the Dark Arts more. How sad...I hope he doesn't screw himself over too much...but I'll just have to wait I suppose. And Lily! Man, I want to know what happens now. Awesome chapter Snapegirl! Can't wait for the next! And happy (slightly late) Fourth of July to you too!! :D

    Author's Response:

    He really is, and I can sadly say that I knew someone just like that back when I was in high school.  A really evil little wretch, he used to run with a gang of boys that used to stalk one of my good friends, and he actually did that to someone we knew.  Some people are just disgusting like that and sick.  They really do. 

    Yeah, poor Harry. One of my friends moved to Newark and ended up getting jumped by a bunch of girls because they said she looked at them funny. They gave her a black eye and broke her nose, but luckily someone saw and called the cops. Otherwise it might have been much worse.  And she was alone, just walking across the street, minding her own business. You're right, not everyone has friends around or a dog to defend them.

    Yeah, Sev's going to regret that decision. 

    Happy fourth to you too!

    And the next chapter's up!

Title: Stalwart Defender 04 Jul 2010 6:55 pm
Reviewer: silverstargirl (Signed) [Report This]
    Lily was incredibly foolish to make that deal with Potter. What really sickens me is that she just cheapened herself. Yes, it is terrible that James and his cohorts kept bullying Severus, but she shouldn't have sold herself like that. She didn't even manage to stop the bullying by doing so. It's really hard to have any respect for her at all right now...

    Author's Response:

    Don't be too hard on her, since right then all she saw was that Potter was attacking Severus mostly because of her and since going to an adult wasn't helping, she did the only thing she could think of to get Potter to stop . . .she agreed to his terms. She also is naive, she didn't think that Pettigrew and Sirius wouldn't follow James' lead, since they always had before. Peter probably would have, if Sirius hadn't decided not to.  Lily's a Gryffindor, and in addition to the courage part, sometimes tends to act on impulse, without thinking things through, especially when it comes to her best friend.  She didn't know she was making a deal with the devil, she figures that Potter has at least some smidgen of honor and will keep his word. She just forgot how much Sirius hates Slytherins.

    There are also other complications which will come up later on as a result of her decision. 

Title: Gryffindor's Mermaid 03 Jul 2010 7:34 am
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Cried like a baby at the end! And I love what Sev said at the end. "Grief is the same, then and now. I will never forget him and always miss him." So very true!

    Harry had it coming and he knew it too. They should have strapped the Marauders to a bed and put it in the lake the next night and see how they liked it.

    I am very curious to know what happened to make Lily end up with James, but I'm sure you'll explain it.
Title: Gryffindor's Mermaid 03 Jul 2010 7:22 am
Reviewer: Judy (Signed) [Report This]
    Had to post this before I got on the plane. I thought Severus handled Harry well, he gave him plenty of chances before punishing him and the kid didn't listen.

    And plainly the punishment wasn't too harsh considering Harry tells Lily jokingly, "I'm emotionally scarred and need a therapist."

    But the Marauders need a brain transplant! How could they be so stupid, dumping a sleeping girl and her bed out on the lake in the middle of the night? What if Lily had rolled off the bed? She could have drowned! Thank goodness Severus was there to rescue her! And Hagrid too!

    I felt really bad for Lily, coming home to find Gabe dead. That happened to me once too. Only it was my cat that died.
Title: Gryffindor's Mermaid 03 Jul 2010 3:23 am
Reviewer: missny1 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I think Sev handled Harry great, gave him warnings, and wasn't too extreme. Thanks for the nice response about my cat. How is Rocky, is he doing better or is he still looking? Can't wait to read more, great chapter.

    Author's Response: Thanks! Rocky is still kind of upset, though he does now go to the door and greet people again.  I think it will take time for him to get over the fact that his friend is gone, like it would for a person. The next chappie's up, by the way!

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