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Reviews For But For A Dog
Title: Of Candles and Ouija Boards 26 Jun 2010 10:13 am
Reviewer: Baghi (Signed) [Report This]
    That was a seriously stupid thing for them to do. Thank goodness they were all right. I think their magic had something to do with that. Kudos on two well written chapters.

    Author's Response: Yes it was, though to be fair the recipe should have told them how quickly wax boils and when to turn the heat down.  I'd say it probably did. Thanks! The next one's up now.
Title: Sixpence Pup 25 Jun 2010 11:56 pm
Reviewer: meegie09 (Anonymous) [Report This]
    this is really sad. i had tears welling up in my eyes at the last sentence...
Title: Of Candles and Ouija Boards 25 Jun 2010 2:49 pm
Reviewer: silverstargirl (Signed) [Report This]
    Severus and Lily ought to have known better than to deal with a substance they were unfamiliar with alone. They are extremely lucky that they didn't get hurt worse. It's too bad really that they allowed themselves to be taunted into making the candles in the first place. I wonder what would have happened if they had told either of their parents about Petunia's 'request'?

    Author's Response: Yes, what they did was foolish, but I know kids who have done the same.   Lily did tell her mum about how Petunia made them make candles and she got in trouble as well.  Plus, the recipe itself should have told them exactly how to melt the wax and to watch it closely. When my friend's kid bought a candle making kit once, it never said how to melt the wax or that wax has a flashpoint.  it's stuff like that which causes accidents too. 
Title: Of Candles and Ouija Boards 25 Jun 2010 1:58 pm
Reviewer: BuckeyeBelle (Signed) [Report This]
    For future reference--always melt candle wax in a double boiler. Much safer that way! And I'd have gone back in after my cats, too.

    Author's Response: Yes, I did read that in the candle-making guide online.  Too bad their recipe didn't include those instructions.  Me too! I could never leave an animal to burn to death.
Title: Of Candles and Ouija Boards 25 Jun 2010 1:23 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    "She could have put a cat in heat to shame and she sure was as bitchy as one."- Bwahaha!! What? That's hilarious! HAHA!! Great line.

    But oh my! That's sounds pretty scary! I've known people who have tried stuff like that and in one case, the house did burn down. But I've always been to scared to try anything like that. (Thank my paranoid grandmother lol) But I'm glad Sev, Lily, and Gabe didn't get too seriously hurt. And I don't think Sev was crazy at all for running back in. I would've too if our house ever caught on fire. I'd never be able to live with myself if I'd let me cat die...

    But I'm really enjoying both Lily and Sev in this fic too. Of course Gabe sounds like a real doll! I like that Severus has someone other than Lily, somone that he's not so cautious to hug. It makes me happy he had someone, but said that Gabe's gone for him.

    Lovely chapter! Glad I caught the update before I got off!! ;P

    Author's Response:

    I love twitting Petunia! She's just so funny!

    Oh God, that's terrible! My neioghbors were lucky, I've known people whose house burned down because a stray spark from a coldhod full of ashes caught on the roof and started a fire. I would have gone back too, because being burned to death is a terrible way to die and just imagining it makes me shiver. 

    He was, the dog was super smart and loved everyone.  I agree, Severus needs someone to hug. 

    I am too, and guess what? Here's the next one! I should also have another chapter of Irresistible Chemistry posted before next week!

Title: Two Friends 25 Jun 2010 12:55 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    I CAN'T WAIT!! That was so cute! Your Gabriel reminds me so much of my old dog Sampson and what my Gabriel's learning (he's still a puppy). And I love that it was Gabe that introduced Lily to Severus. That was really cute! And I LOVED all the antics they got into together! Dogs really can cause a lot of trouble, but it's usually worth it in the end I think.But the part about herding the ducks reminded me of what Sampson really would do. We have ducks and they tend to wander off and- as lame as this sounds- would cross the road to get into our neightbor's yard and Sampson would always herd them back. XD Oh the memories dogs can give you! XD But it was too cute and I love it so far! Wonderful work!! :)

    Author's Response:

    yes, they really are worth it.  There is no more loyal friend than a dog. 

    That is just so funny! Yes, I can see ducks doing that and having to be brought back. What kind of dog was Sampson?

    My Gabriel herded kittens, LOL! And children! My sister's cat Angel had five kittens and when they were walking we brought them into the kitchen and let them play, but we didn't want them to go into the formal dining room, which was just off the kitchen. So anytime a kitten headed in that direction, we would tell Gabe, "bring him back" and Gabe would gently nudge the kitten back into the kitchen. The kittens LOVED him! They would crawl all over him and one liked to sleep on his back and some of them would lie inbetween his paws while he was resting. We have pictures, but you had to be there it was sooo adorable!

Title: Sixpence Pup 25 Jun 2010 11:44 am
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Okay, first of all, WOAH!!! Your dog's name was Gabriel?!?! My dog's name is Gabriel too!! That's really weird!

    But as for the rest...that's so sad!! Poor Severus! I feel so bad for him! To lose a friends like that's terrible! I've lost a dog about a month or so ago names Sampson and that was really hard. He'd follow me around the farm and would even try protect me if there were coyotes near by by stepping in front of me and not letting me walk closer to them, but to lose an inside dog would be kinda worse in a way.

    I feel sorry for Severus and sorry for the lose of your Gabriel! He sounds like he was a wonderful dog! Great chapter though!! Loving it!

    Author's Response:

    Wow! That's like . . .really cosmic, as my sister used to say. 

    Aww, I feel bad for you too. So many people have lost their dogs that read this.  He was a wonderful dog, and we will all miss him very much. He also took care of children, saved my neice from drowning in our pool once. She jumped in and hit her head on the pool bottom and was crying and couldn't swim out, and Gabe, who hated water, by the way, jumped in and got her out. I swear, it was like watching Lassie on TV only in real life! Oh and I just posted a new chapter!

Title: Two Friends 24 Jun 2010 3:22 pm
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Great meeting between Severus and the Evans sisters! I love how gabriel herded the ducks! So cool! That movie theater manager should have been sacked! Idiot! Looking forward to more!
Title: Two Friends 23 Jun 2010 10:20 pm
Reviewer: Snapesexfiend (Signed) [Report This]
    This was great! I wanted to beat up that stupid manager. I love how Gabriel defends Severus and helped make them friends. So sweet!
Title: Sixpence Pup 23 Jun 2010 10:15 pm
Reviewer: DrSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    What a great start! I love it! I especially adore how Sev changes because of a dog.

    Author's Response: Thanks. I always think animals can make us have a whole new look on life, they're just so understanding and accepting.

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