Omg! That was too funny. I loved the ending.
Yeah, He's too sexy for his shirt alright!
Title: Object of Affection
| 30 Jun 2010 6:31 pm
Reviewer: Ray 22 (Anonymous)
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I LOVE SEVERUS SNAPE! Oh,and the story was cool too.;)
Title: Object of Affection
| 29 Jun 2010 8:14 pm
Reviewer: Judy (Signed)
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Absolutely hilarious! Can you send me one of those Sexy Sev photos? Please?
-Dies of Laughter- Oh that was just stupendous! Poor..poor Sexy Severus! xD!!!! Can I have a copy? Please! :D
I have to say that it was an excellent opportunity for the kids to make some good money. They were quite clever and very cunning business people. I really loved it when Albus gave the kids another copy of the picture!
Title: Object of Affection
| 29 Jun 2010 4:01 am
Reviewer: heartstar (Anonymous)
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loll Oh that was funny as hellI loved it!
Loved it. Awesome job as always. :) Since I'm a Snape/Sinistra lover, I loved the addition of her having one. Poor Severus, though. That is what he gets for telling Harry to make some money. :) Again, awesome job.
Fell off my chair laughing! Such a great story and a fitting addition to the Never Again series!
LOL, thanks Snapegirl for asking me to read that, it was really funny! HAHA "post adolescent worship syndrome!" Poor Sev! His children got off lucky...*smirks* :P
sigh...Severus Snape, every woman's guilty pleasure.
Hehe. Very interesting story you've got here. I love it
Sexy Sevvy!!! LMAO I loved it! You made my afternoon! Thanks!