Wow. Ditto zebra. I absolutely love it! A story where a mortal Dumbledore plays at god and fails- and someone else pays the consequence, and someone else is left holding the bag. Only this time, they aren't letting him play god with them anymore. And the whole wizarding perception of weaknesses. It's true, isn't it? You're either perfect or wrong, there is no in-between. Anyone who is too different is wrong, or lesser. Great story.
Fantastic story. Really great job :D
Title: Crooked Line
| 02 Jul 2010 1:15 pm
Reviewer: Librasmile (Anonymous)
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Hmm...just another typical Bil story...Good LORD this is sooooooooooooooo usual.
You know when I see your byline on a story I have to read it right?
...Yep, just another typical take your breath away, rock your world Bil story...same old, same old...:^)
As for the specifics: 1. Beautifully executed. Not a wasted line. 2. Exquisite tension and poignancy. 3. Heartbreaking conflict. 4. Utterly believable. 5. Can I have some more please?
Title: Crooked Line
| 02 Jul 2010 1:02 pm
Reviewer: zebra (Anonymous)
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Wow. I don't know why or how, but that was genuinely so perfect that it almost hurt. Especially this line: "Voldemort held onto his hate and destroyed himself. You hold on to what you love and destroy us. Let it go, just let it go. Let us go." One of the best I've read.
OMG! Bil...this was GENIUS!! I mean it! When I started reading it, I was a bit confused, but I went on and it just hit me, you know? Poor Severus! Having been forced to become a teenager again and then to have this problem after all he did in the war...It was a very thought provoking story, at least to me. I loved it! Amazing story Bil!! :D
Wow, it's Severus with severe OCD. That was really sad, and depressing and interesting. I want to know if Severus ever can get better, if the Muggles can do anything to heal him.
The first paragraph was really good. It grabbed my attention and set the scene so. It's sorrt of freaky to think that there are actually people who think like that.
Great story!
This story is exactly what it should be. Very well done. You have the OCD down perfectly; it is a disease I can see Severus getting, especially after everything. Harry is gentle and firm and grounded. Oh, so very lovely.
I trust that the new room will have the right number of diamonds in the window?
A little... eerie. What I most admire about this fic is that you've managed to give it that distinctly 'confined' feel: being trapped in one room, being trapped in your own head. This story put in mind of the Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night-Time, really. Severus' need for orderliness, for repetition does seem a bit autism-like.
Anyway. I really enjoyed this story, particularly the dynamics between Harry and Severus. Well done!
Absolutely, heartbreakingly beautiful; a wonderful, original and emotive plot, your portrayal of mental illness is vivid and realistic and your dialogue flowing and natural. You are a brilliant writer. Well done ^^
I just loved this! Who'd have ever thought of a fic where Snape has this mental problem where he has an obsession with symmetry/eveness/ect?