Reviews For Shrunk Harry for Two Days
Hilarius! Love it!
Author's Response: ^_^ Glad you liked it, Tabitha!
Author's Response: Haha, yep! Snape is going be driven to madness, while Draco points and laughs in hysterics. While all this is going on, Harry will merely come up with another way to keep himself busy that ends up annoying Snape. It's a nice little family, no?
Author's Response: Yep, Draco learned 'exactly' how Voldy met his demise when Harry was 2 years old, and Harry asks Snape for a cookie. These three are just luffable! ^_^
Author's Response: Thanks for the review! I'll definiately write something else for this site...I just need an idea.
Author's Response: Ah Ron, afraid of spiders, and he finds out that he was about to eat Harry. Maybe he'd be able to help Bertie and Bott's with their Every Flavor Beans. Harry Potter flavored beans, I believe they'd rank next to the bogie one. :-D
Author's Response: LOL! Yep, it had to happen sooner or later. With all the first years blowing up their cauldrons, Snape would end up becoming forgetful and tarnishing his reputation.
Author's Response: Glad you liked it!
-P.G. Author's Response: :-D Thanks a bajillion for the review! I'm glad you liked it! (Yes, I'm aware that 'bajillion' isn't a word, tee hee) |
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