Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Witches Promise
Title: Witches Promise 07 Jul 2010 5:50 pm
Reviewer: rosina (Signed) [Report This]
    Lovely. Snape was the expected grumpy old sod, but you gave him much more to his character. And a happy ending too!! Glad you hinted that Harry might have a few issues - I never enjoy post-DH stories where he suddenly turns into controlled, assertive 'perfection'.

    Author's Response:

    Yeah, I don't see Harry that way at all.  Anyone who has lived through abuse or neglect has a host of issues that just don't clear up magically because they are out of the situation.

     Thanks for the review.


Title: Witches Promise 07 Jul 2010 5:42 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Gosh the tide in in Blackpool! A strange idea. Loved this especially Italian ice cream and Severus lovely story

    Author's Response:

    Honestly, the setting was determined by that lovely song.  I've always enjoyed the ironic bent the song had, and I thought it would be a perfect place for Snape to live.

    Thanks for the  review.


Title: Witches Promise 07 Jul 2010 12:09 pm
Reviewer: Ivy-Green (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh my! This was certainly not what I expected, but I loved it! It seemed a bit odd that Severus would go for his opposite, but then, that old saying does come to mind. I really liked that Snape stayed Snape throughout all of this. He was bitter and wasn't about to change for anyone. Although this may seem weird, I was charmed by Severus not wanting to really love Bette and wanting to hold on to Lily. I just kept thinking, "Oh you silly fool!" But the ending made me so happy! Ha ha! Severus's is going to be a daddy! XD Too cute! Great work tambrathegreat!! :D

    Author's Response:

    Thanks, and honestly I'm glad it's not what you expected. I try very hard to come up with original ideas. 

     Snape's personality is a fun one to write  On the one hand, he's a bit of Ebenezer Scrooge, and on the other hand, he's a little of David Copperfied.  His contradictory aloof needines is what is so appealing, at least to me.

     Thanks for the review.


Title: Witches Promise 07 Jul 2010 3:59 am
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Wonderful story, Tambra! As always, you have so much insight into the characters. You really understand them and that makes it all so believable. I really loved how Severus has rebuilt his life, slowly come to terms with the past, and made peace with Harry. And then the ending, with Severus having a family of his own just made it perfect.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks, Kristeh.  I'm glad you enjoyed it.  I hate Snape stories without at least a bit of a happy ending.


Title: Witches Promise 07 Jul 2010 12:58 am
Reviewer: hpfanficfan (Signed) [Report This]
    really sweet

    Author's Response:



Title: Witches Promise 06 Jul 2010 8:31 pm
Reviewer: Dream Painter (Signed) [Report This]
    Nicely written - I like this. Very well done.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks.  I'm glad you enjoyed.


Title: Witches Promise 06 Jul 2010 8:02 pm
Reviewer: LuKat (Signed) [Report This]
    Ooooo ... I love this AU look at our Potions Master! You have his personality down - and I agree, if he survived that would not have changed! I like the thought of him moving (finally) past his guilt/love for Lily and allowing himself a resolution with Potter, and a hopeful family of his own.

    Your story is WONDERFUL - it answers the challenge, and yet is so much more than just an answer to the challenge!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks so much.  I suppose the snark is what I like best about Severus, so that is what I always write.  Personalities don't change that much over the years, even if the person grows beyond their own difficulties.  I'm glad that came across.


Title: Witches Promise 06 Jul 2010 7:44 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, that was so beautiful Tambra. You truly are an exquisite writer.

    I love how peaceful and content Severus has become, and he's going to be a daddy; too cute.

    He seems to have a soft spot for little Lily. How cute.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks, Mighty P!  I really appreciate the review. I had to have Severus show a little of the good Daddy he could become. 


Title: Witches Promise 06 Jul 2010 6:00 pm
Reviewer: ForgottenEllipses (Signed) [Report This]
    Awwww! How you cater to the female's heart (sorry you gentlemen out there); I loved it!

    I particularly enjoyed how Severus is kind of in limbo about his feelings for Bette, but in the end he really does love her. Of course, I have to mention that the thought did cross my mind that possibly he married her out of honor for getting her pregnant? For if she is his wife of a day and a half and already 5 months pregnant, obviously they were not married at conception. One would hope he was planning on it anyway, (maybe the pregnancy gave him the final push?) but still I had to wonder.

    Oh, and I loved slightly angsty Harry even as an adult, constantly vying for Snape to see him for him - and I'm thrilled Snape did eventually come around. I could totally picture him as the man who no longer uses magic.

    Good job!

    Author's Response:

    He really was in love with her before he left, it was just her absence from his life tha made him realise. 

    I'm glad this story fluttered your heart-strings.  Harry will always seek approval from older men, I think.  It's a function of how destitute emotionally he was in childhood.  I would like to think that this is the way that he and Severus would end up, given time.

    Thanks for the lovely review.


Title: Witches Promise 06 Jul 2010 5:58 pm
Reviewer: DaughterOfAres (Signed) [Report This]
    Amazing story! I loved it!

    Your characterization of Snape is perfect! He's still has a bitting scarasam while at the same time he's almost cuddly (not that he'll admit to such let alone show it).

    The fact you wrote this from his point of view makes it even more powerful. All his feelings are captured wonderfully and while you don't draw direct attention to it his unemotional mask stays in place to those around him.

    Anyway, excellent story!

    Author's Response:

    I always like to think that there was a softer side to Snape all along, but since the stories were written from Harry's POV, it's hard to see.  I'm glad you liked Snape's POV in this story.  I think it would have been less effective with more input from other characters.

     Thanks for the review.


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