Title: Chapter 2: Safe
| 09 Jul 2010 3:57 pm
Reviewer: Ray22 (Anonymous)
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Love the story Please Please Please please please please please please please please please please please please please plaease please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please please plase please please please please please please please please please please please please Continue!
This is really great so far! Looking forward to more, most definitely.
Well, thank goodness that Severus got Harry away and is helping watch over him. Though he ought to understand that Harry is not going to voluntarily call for him, except maybe if it were life and death.
Looking forward to more!
Great chapter! I loved the ending, especially, with Harry refusing to use the cube. Sounds like a great fuure moment in the making. The pain and feelings Harry was having were very realistic. I can remember feeling that way but would never have remembered enough to be able to describe it for a story. Great job!
Nice start to this story. I hope that they will be able to bring Harry back to full health soon. I wonder what will be done about the Dursleys?
Great story! I love the spirit of Lily getting Snape to save her son. And Harry's last line was terrific!
Great first chapter! I can't wait to see what else is coming. I especially like the last line :D Awesome job :)
Oh goody goody! I'm looking foward to reading more. This is going on my favorites list pronto!:-D Would write more of a review but it's 2am and am very tired. :-D -Autumn
Title: Chapter 1: Blood Lilies
| 08 Jul 2010 12:43 am
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed)
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Great beginning! I loved how Severus brought flowers to Lily's grave each year, and how her presence came to Severus and warned him to go to Harry.
Hopefully Severus can accept that he's been wrong all along about Harry, can accept that he is Lily's son as well, and a person in his own right. Hopefully it can be the beginning of a better relationship between them.
Looking forward to more!