This was so fun! I laughed out loud at Luna’s reply to Harry’s banter! The scene created was lovely, and the back-and-forth between Harry and Severus was highly enjoyable.
Oh, this was a laugh! The banter is awesome!
What a neat story! Too bad it wasn't continued. It's nice to read of such a happy Severus. It would have been fun to find out more.
Title: Second Chance
| 13 Sep 2014 8:11 am
Reviewer: anna (Anonymous)
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Nice. Will it really be continued?
This was absolutely lovely and fun and I'm so glad I clicked on it! :)
The idea of Severus being de-aged in order to survive a lynch mob is quite clever and not a scenario I'd thought about before. The friendship he has developed with Harry is wonderful, and they both sound just like 17 year old boys who have no cares in the world. :) Yes, the nightmares are still there, but the reality that spawned those nightmares is gone, so it right and just that Harry and Severus be able to be happy and have fun, finally.
If you do choose to add to this, I'd love to read it, but I think it ends just perfectly the way you did it. Well done!
Title: Second Chance
| 17 Jul 2010 11:12 am
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous)
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Ugh, great story! You never fail to impress me with your writing. This was a great one!
Aw, such a lovely and amusing story. I really, really enjoyed it. Both Harry and Severus deserve this carefree life. Wonderfully done.