Reviews For March Out of the Darkness
Author's Response: Thanks. :D
Author's Response: It's definitely Harry's "I have to save everyone" thing in high gear. Thanks for the review. :)
On a side note, one cannot Apparate within Hogwarts. So, technically, Snape couldn't have done that... Ah, what the heck, I don't want anyone to die! :D Author's Response: Not to argue or anything, but Dumbledore apparated with Harry in Half-Blood Prince. So going off that instance, I'm using it to say that because Snape's headmaster now he can do it too. Thanks for pointing that out, though.
Author's Response: Thanks. :D
Loved the ending of the chapter, by the way. It sort of gave glimpse into inner workings of Snape, the conflict emotions and all. Author's Response: Thanks. I liked writing the ending of the chapter. You should have been able to distinguish at least six different voices in it.
Nice chapter. Author's Response: Thanks. :)
Author's Response: Good call about Harry/Ginny, Ramelia. :D And I just figured we needed a little of Luna. She's one of my favorite characters, but she's a bit difficult for me to write, unfortunately. Thanks for the review. :)
Poor Severus, but at least he knows that Lily loved him. Author's Response: Yep, he knows, and he gets a happy ending. :) Thanks, Pandora.
Oh oh! I'm worried for Snape. Great chappie. Author's Response: Thanks. :)
Great chappie Author's Response: Thanks. :) |
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