I love your Bellatrix, she's almost endearing, in her own, rather psychotic, way ^^
Author's Response: Thanks. :D
Great chapter; I loved the ink idea, very Fred and George.
Author's Response: Actually, it was Snape who switched the inkwell, which Luna saw. He got the idea from Fred and George, though. :D Thanks for the review.
Title: Actions Speak Louder Than Words
| 10 Jul 2010 9:34 pm
Reviewer: Morgana (Signed)
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Great chapter
Author's Response: Thanks. :)
Title: Reign of Terror Ends Tonight
| 10 Jul 2010 9:32 pm
Reviewer: Morgana (Signed)
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Interesting character interactions and plot developments; Carrow's behaviour towards Aurora is very in character and your just of this device to bring the situation to a climax is subtle and effective.
Author's Response: Thanks. :)
Great chapter.
Author's Response: Thanks. :)
Title: Detention in the Forbidden Forest
| 10 Jul 2010 9:25 pm
Reviewer: Morgana (Signed)
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Great character interactions. I do wonder, though, whether the canon Snape would allow other teachers to doubt his allegance to Voldemort. However, you have hinted at mental illness in the previous chapter so it may just be an evolution of his character, not to mention that Severus might well have a subconcious death-wish.
Author's Response: I don't think Snape knows what Flitwick said, and Snape doesn't truly have a mental illness. It's just extreme remorse. Thanks. :)
Good chapter.
Author's Response: Thanks. :)
Good chapter. I like where you're going with this plot and how you're developing the characters.
Author's Response: Thanks. :)
Very interesting interaction between Harry and Luna, hinting at something more in the future perhaps. I like your portrayal of Luna, the canon character always struck me as the type who could see further than most.
Author's Response: That's actually the first time I've written Luna longer than a few lines, so I'm glad that you liked it. No hints, sorry. I've always loved Luna with Neville.
Title: For the Good of Hogwarts
| 10 Jul 2010 9:05 pm
Reviewer: Morgana (Signed)
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I love your portrayal of Flitwick, his false cheer is very sweet and sad. Having Harry change his alias is an interesting device and I'm curious to see what you're going to do with it.
Author's Response: I was kind of worried about how Flitwick would come off, but I'm glad you like it. Thanks. :)