It's really too bad that it took Severus playing the sneaky spy to find out that Harry was abused. I am glad that Severus did and that Harry was rescued from those monsters. I would love to see a continuation of this story. Fantastic fic!
Slyverin! Yah dolt damn sev! Well done
Title: Pen Pals
| 14 Jul 2010 12:57 am
Reviewer: reader1writer1 (Anonymous)
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Great story. I really enjoyed it. I'd sign in, but the site doesn't like me apparently.
Nicely done!
I love how it all started with Snape trying to decide which house Harry should have been in and ended with him still not decided! Positively brilliant. Love how you crafted this tale. Bravo.
Great story. I think this was a really interesting challenge. I like how Snape began to care for Harry, and in the beginning he used his spying skills to sneak into the common room. Awesome ^_^
DAmn those Dursely's! evry time i read a story with them abusing harry, i just wanna AK the lot of them!
Im glad that Severus got there in time for Harry, and that Harry now has him looking out for him.
Title: Pen Pals
| 13 Jul 2010 5:53 pm
Reviewer: kayt (Anonymous)
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Very good. A nicely unusual way for Snape to find out Harry's situation, and I really liked how the story was told from Snape's point of view, and gave us plenty of background to his character.Had to smile at his accident with his potion experiment too!
Title: Pen Pals
| 13 Jul 2010 5:38 pm
Reviewer: Ray22 (Anonymous)
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HaHa! Love the story! Love the ending! "Merlin's Pants" *Snicker*
I love it. Very nice story. Great idea to have Snape want to try to figure him out. Worked out beautifully. I hope you change your mind about that nasty little "The End" thing.
Brilliant story.
I'm so glad that Severus was so sneaky and being a Slytherin, figured it all out.
Hee hee. I wonder what Severus would have said if he'd known that Harry was almost sorted in "his" house!
I wonder who Harry went to instead of the Dursleys.
You know...a sequel would be lovely! :)