I want to think that Severus will make the most of his second chance.
This was thought-provoking, engaging, and well written. The interactions between Snape and Harry were very believable. Thanks so much.
That was so awfully nice! Especially Snape thoughts were a great touch. I liked
Title: Regression
| 17 Jul 2010 9:29 am
Reviewer: NotEvenHere (Anonymous)
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I enjoyed the melancholy of this piece. It was so Harry to just help Snape. I loved that. And even though it's sad that nothing is resolved between them (last line is killer), I like it because it's realistic. Well done. Thanks for a great story.
I liked this story a lot, and this changed Snape, who's somehow still the same. Or wants to be. Great story and great insight into Snape's conflicting emotions.
I enjoyed this story, and wish there were more of it. But how can Draco call him Snape, and apparently not know who he is, teenager or not? I don't understand why he couldn't have been "Robert O'Reilly", and the new name explained in a sentence or two at the beginning; there are other stories here that do it, and it works. You've got Snape's POV showing us Sev's experience as an adult thrust into a body half his mental age. You show very well how much more intimidating Draco and his goons are, when one's physically more their size, rather than larger. Since we can see how threatening the three younger Slytherins are--and they know this is a Snape--why don't they realize it's their old head of house? You told the story well, otherwise.
I kind of feel for Harry. I think that he would really like to have a better relationship with Severus. Maybe, in time, Severus will be willing to take a chance and accept Harry as a potential friend and ally.
Severus is in an uncomfortable position. I do hope that he will be able to avoid future run-ins with Malfoy and his thugs. Having a few friends might help to....
interesting Will there be a sequil a friendship maybe ...
I want more, please! PLEASE!!!! I was not satisfied with that ending!