Good chapter. I liked that Harry took Ginny to the dance. She was the perfect choice. I had a feeling that the Imperius curse wouldn't work - Snape is too skilled to be taken by that. Harry's calling in Voldemort was clever though.
Having Hagrid adopt Harry with Aberforth witnessing it, was unexpected. Hagrid dotes on Harry so it is an interesting plot. Sounds like it will be a fun ride.
Good second chapter. The obstacle course was a good way for Snape to show Harry how important suitable clothing is in a practicle situation. I enjoyed the idea of the book "Warlock's Weft" and Harry and Hermione's use of it.
Fascinating first chapter. I especially like the way you tied the history of Hogwarts into the history of the region. I'm looking forward to a good story here.
What a great twist! You got me. I hadn't even had the slightest thought that it wasn't, in fact, true.
This was the first Fanfic I've read where Hagrid adopted Harry. It made for an interesting twist.
Thanks for sharing your wonderful tale with us.
I believe this is my absolute favorite quote in all of FanFic.. “I may not be Lucius Malfoy, Harry, I may not have his land or his galleons or his ancestors but I’ve never licked the boots of no Dark Lord either. And I’ve earned all I’ve got through honest graft. So don’t yeh split hairs over what young Malfoy will say, y’hear.”
Seriously, that was truly inspired and absolutely perfect.
Of course, I also found Snape's suggestion to Harry to "punch Draco" wonderfully hilarious.
I'm so glad this story popped up in the "Story of the Moment" spotlight.
Love this! (especially Myrridin)
Author's Response: Thanks. Yes, he's one of my favourite of my own original characters; I was inspired by some of the Martyr stories I heard as a child but I didn't want to make him too good, hence his uncompromising, highhanded attitude lol!
Title: Ycan Upcyme Eadignesse
| 13 Aug 2010 7:07 am
Reviewer: heartstar (Anonymous)
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I loved this!
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm glad
Title: Ycan Upcyme Eadignesse
| 07 Aug 2010 10:08 pm
Reviewer: Baghi (Signed)
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*snickers softly* I should have known it was you from the very beginning. It didn't connect until Harry talked to the portrait however. You have a certain style about your stories. I like it, but it makes you quite recognizable, when one finally puts the puzzle piece in place. Kudos on a very well written story.
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ It's good to know that my style is recognisable, even if it's 'that crazy author who likes snakes and talking pictures' lol! I'm glad you liked it.
Oh, really great chapter again! So Severus and Harry are making amends and Severus is back. Thankfully Ron is safe; just hope Sev is too!
Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm glad you liked it :)