Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Helle Underhnige Heofonas Oferstige 27 Jul 2010 9:36 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    It's always so interesting to see how you come up with the phrases and words that snakes and parselmouths use. Really cool and inventive!

    I'm not so sure about Myrriden here though. Yeah, Harry hurt Severus and perhaps he shouldn't have, but I still think he had valid reason to be upset. It was just a bad situation all around, and it's too bad that Severus and Harry met right after Harry had learned the news. It would have been better if Harry had had some time to think it through, perhaps talk with Dumbledore, before he and Severus came face to face. Unfortunately for them both, that's not what happened.

    As for the rest of their history, Severus is more to blame for that than Harry, I think. He mocked and humiliated Harry from the very beginning, long before Harry had done anything to him. It's really no wonder that Harry disliked someone who was blatantly cruel and emotionally abusive to him, for no reason that he could see. Harry did not always behave well with Severus, certainly, but Severus is the one who began their enmity and as the adult and a professor, I can't help but place the blame on him.

    But I do feel badly for his pain. Severus is definitely hurting. Underneath his collected exterior, he's a mass of raw pain and insecurity. He's done all that he can to atone for the past, but he needs to forgive himself. Hopefully, Harry can help him to do this. I think if Harry forgives him, that that would mean a great deal to Severus.

    Looking forward to more!

    Author's Response:

    Thanks for the review. Yes, as an adult and a teacher, Severus should not have allowed Harry's physical resemblance to James to prejudice him against the child and, even if Harry had been a carbon copy of his father, Severus should have reacted proportionately. However, as you say, Severus did begin and perpetuate their enemity and, as the adult, he must be held almost entirely responsible.

    However, when I was crafting the character of Myrridin, I did not want to make the man a saint. This, of course, led to a quandary; what possible flaw could I give to a man who was brave. selfless, benevolent and strong enough to martyr himself? The answer was to make the ancient Headmaster a man who, in Dumbledore's words, 'had every virtue save compassion for the mistakes of others'. Moreover, as Myrridin is a guardian, he has a duty to protect his charges and, as Severus is, quite frankly, an emotionally immature, passionate and vulnerable man, Myrridin will not release him unless he knows, for certain, that Harry is mature enough to understand. Therefore, Myrridin charges Harry with his mistakes and does not allow extenuating circumstances, forcing the teenager to take full responsibility for his own actions. Of course this is unkind and unfair- as Harry and Dumbledore both comment- but a. I did not want to make Myrridin 2D, b. his fierce, unyielding and subtle nature make him a great guardian and c. there's a certain charm to giving Harry, whose challenges, thus far, have been suited to a Gryffindor, a task which relies on patience, guile and planning, all typically Slytherin skills!

Title: Serva Me, Servabo Te 27 Jul 2010 11:28 am
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed) [Report This]
    Another wonderful chapter!

    I think Harry is a little hard on himself, but it is very in character for him to feel great remorse after hurting someone. I hope he can find Severus and the two of them make amends.

    Ah, Ron...well, he was certainly being an awful prat in the beginning, to even consider going to Rita Skeeter, but he doesn't deserve to be left to Voldemort's mercies! I hope Dumbledore and company can figure out how to save him.

    Author's Response: Thanks ^^. I knew that this particular plot device, Ron's decision to talk to Rita Skeeter, would be controversial, which is why I spent a good few paragraphs outlining his state of mind and also portrayed him as giving a long line of excuses; yes, Ron does know that what he's doing is wrong but he's hurt, angry and resentful. However, as you say, he doesn't deserve to be left with Voldemort.   
Title: Una Salus Victus 24 Jul 2010 1:26 am
Reviewer: tambrathegreat (Signed) [Report This]
    YOu are such an evil twisty author and so wonderful for that trait. I was not expecting Snape to be the one that needed protection, but he really is.

    Good chapter.

    Author's Response: Guilty as charged ;) I thought when I read the challenge that Harry, while rone to extremes of emotion, was not the type who would summon such a corridor because he's not one to hide; Harry always, always fights. Severus, on the other hand, is unstable- his bursts of agression seem rather akin to a tortured and traumatised animal who wants to scare potential tormentors away- and he's heartbroken and guilt-ridden over Lily. Therefore, I can imagine it's only force of will and his dignity that keeps Severus from hiding under the bed and, if something happened to cause an, albiet temporary, breakdown, his first instinct might be to hide, which is where the corridor comes in.
Title: Res, Non Verba 24 Jul 2010 1:18 am
Reviewer: tambrathegreat (Signed) [Report This]
    I like how this story is shaping up. It seems quite natural that Snape and Harry would be at first grudging friends. I like it that Snape is now seeing Harry's resemblance to Lily as they spend more time together.

    Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I thought it would be more natural that way- one cannot get over three years of mutual dislike in an hour, even if one wants to!
Title: Ex Tenebris Lux 24 Jul 2010 1:06 am
Reviewer: tambrathegreat (Signed) [Report This]
    Unexpected, but nice. I think Hagrid would make a great if somewhat reckless parent (at least in his choice of pets for Harry.)
Title: Ex Tenebris Lux 24 Jul 2010 1:06 am
Reviewer: tambrathegreat (Signed) [Report This]
    Unexpected, but nice. I think Hagrid would make a great if somewhat reckless parent (at least in his choice of pets for Harry.)

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I know- I think we'll just have to rely on Harry, Severus and Aberforth's influence lol! Also, Hagrid probably wouldn't give Harry anything that would hurt Hedwig.  
Title: Veritas Vos Liberabit 24 Jul 2010 12:59 am
Reviewer: tambrathegreat (Signed) [Report This]
    Nice. I'm glad that someone stood up to Dumbledore. I like that Snape resorted to the same type of physicality that Hermione did with Draco. It's kind of full circle in a way.

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Yes, if cerebral people are pushed far enough, they can lash out in a rather surprising way lol!
Title: Experto Credite 24 Jul 2010 12:53 am
Reviewer: tambrathegreat (Signed) [Report This]
    I loved the care Harry took in creating his dueling clothes and how he has already started to mimic Snape. It's too bad the triwizard tournament had to intervene in Snape seeing Harry for who he is, rather than who Snape wants to see him as.

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I think Harry and Severus really needed to be forced, by events, into sharing a hobby they both loved, without an audiuence of minideatheaters, to actually engage
Title: Ycan Upcyme Eadignesse 23 Jul 2010 9:54 pm
Reviewer: lokiwolf (Signed) [Report This]
    A very good story except for a few small nitpicks. The snake terms and etc had to be explained in author's notes. A story should stand on its own, and not need clarification from its creater in order to make sense. Other then that, grreat job. Very few typos and mistakes, at least that I saw, and fairly good characterization. Ending was a bit crowded, but that's understandable with the plot.

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review. I think the snake-terms can, actually, stand alone if the reader dislocates their mind and thinks like a snake. However, as a matter of policy, I give translations; some people are intellectually lazy, others simply enjoy reading dictionaries lol! I use snake-terms because, as a linguist, I know that, even if one has a direct translation, it is not always immediately understandable; all cultures have idioms, the meanings of which are not immediately clear, and all languages have words which cannot be directly translated (an example is 'miko' which, yes, means 'priestess' but has other, very important connotations which would be lost if 'priestess' were used). As I delved deeply into 'snake culture' in one of my other stories, I thought I'd use the 'snake terms' in this because, actually, a lot of reviewers have told me that they really love my version of parseltongue- until now I've not had a negative response.  
Title: Ex Tenebris Lux 23 Jul 2010 1:30 pm
Reviewer: tabbycat (Signed) [Report This]
    Hi. Love 'Abe'. He's a really great character! And i like the idea of Hagrid adopting Harry for once - never thought of it as an idea myself. :)

    Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I love writing Aberforth; he's like Albus is some ways, i.e. he's brave, warmhearted and noble, but totally unlike him in others, e.g. the man's gruffer than a goat, cynical and painfully honest.  

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