Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Serva Me, Servabo Te 16 Jul 2010 1:24 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh no!

    Poor Harry. This just keeps getting worse, doesn't it?

    Ron is such a prat though, isn't he?

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review. Ron is one of my favourite characters to write, almost a plot device in his own right; while brave, easy-going and affable, Ron generally doesn't see things from other people's perspectives- if someone does/says something that hurts him, they must be a bad person- and hell hath no stubborn, blind, vindictive fury like a Ron scorned!
Title: Una Salus Victus 16 Jul 2010 1:17 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh no!!

    Poor Snape!

    What happens now? Does Harry go after Snape?

    Great chappie.

    Author's Response:

    I know, I'm cruel. However, I did have to shock Snape into the corridor and this was the only sure-fire way of breaking those solid defences; Lily's eyes, accusing him of her death. Thanks for the review.

Title: Res, Non Verba 16 Jul 2010 1:14 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Great chappie.

    I'm so glad that Harry and Snape have reached a truce..

    Author's Response: Thanks ^^ I'm glad you're continuing to enjoy the story
Title: Ex Tenebris Lux 16 Jul 2010 1:07 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh, I didn't see "that" coming. Hagrid adopting Harry? This should be different. Onto the next chappie.

    I'm dying to see Albus' reaction to all this.

    Author's Response: Thanks ^^. Severus is a character who can think quickly in an emergency and, considering all the facts (including Harry's happiness), powerful, kindly Hagrid, who lives on Hogwarts grounds, is, I think, the most appropriate choice. Albus' reaction, however, probably won't come as much of a surprise.
Title: Veritas Vos Liberabit 16 Jul 2010 1:02 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Omg! This is amazing Morgana. Good thing that my boss left for awhile, otherwise, I'd have to stop reading, and I'm hooked.

    I feel bad for Dumbles, but he had it coming.

    Is Snape going to take him then?

    Author's Response:

    Thanks ^^ Hope you don't get into trouble ;) I feel bad for Dumbledore too, he tried his best in difficult circumstances, but I felt that Severus would probably see the situation in more 'black and white' terms. He was in a bad emotional state at the start of the chapter and, after Harry's shocking revelations, hearing that Dumbledore had sacrificed Lily's son for the greater good would probably cause him to snap.  

Title: Experto Credite 16 Jul 2010 12:43 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    Wow! Poor Harry. Too bad that he hadn't had the chance to prove to Snape that he could be competent at Potions. too. But having Harry read that book, was brilliance. And so is this story!


    Author's Response: Thanks ^^ the idea came to me one day when I was considering Severus' old fashioned clothes; it suddenly struck me that the close fitting tunic and trousers were ideal for duelling and, naturally, I had to give Severus (who must have tired of jokes about his apparel) a chance to prove to Harry that he didn't know everything. "Warlock's Weft" was a natural progression- I just had to include a book written by a Mad-Eye Moody type! Thanks for the kind reviews :)
Title: Sanctum Sanctorum 16 Jul 2010 12:26 pm
Reviewer: Pandora (Signed) [Report This]
    This is amazing Morgana! You've got me mesmerized by this story, and I'm learning some interesting historical facts as well.

    Author's Response:

    Thanks ^^ I'm glad you're enjoying it. Historical fact really helped me in this chapter; although, of course, James I did not attack Hogwarts, had the school existed, it would have been entirely in character for him to do so. Thus, I was able to find a reason for Myrridin's martyrdom and anchor my original character in history, which I think helped him to feel more real.

Title: Sanctum Sanctorum 16 Jul 2010 12:04 pm
Reviewer: little-sun (Signed) [Report This]
    This was intensive. Hard to read for a non-native speaker, but very interesting style. I liked the plot too! Mila

    Author's Response:

    Yes, the accents were rather hard to write and, I imagine, the alternate spellings would be quite difficult, sorry. I just had this clear image of Myrridin speaking with a strong, Scottish accent, the softer syllables adding another contrast to the hard, powerful man. 

Title: Res, Non Verba 16 Jul 2010 12:03 pm
Reviewer: JAWorley (Signed) [Report This]
    Some lines in this chapter were confusing... when somebody grabbed Ron and dragged him outside... I had no idea where Harry was, what was happening... it was just awkward was all. He was thinking about life and then the next second somebody was there dragging Ron away, then McGonagall was there asking him inside her office... it would have been good to know where Harry was in the first place.

    Author's Response:

    Harry was in transfiguration class: "Having spent most of his Transfiguration class staring out of the window, Harry was not wholly surprised when, at the end of lesson, Professor McGonagall rather sharply asked him to stay behind". Hermione (the petite, bushy-haired witch), was dragging Ron outside because she was angry with him, thinking that their feud was the reason why Harry was distracted and, therefore, about to recieve a ticking off from McGonagall. I wanted to create the sence that Harry was stumbling through his school day with his head in the clouds and, therefore, I used subtle markers of events rather than heavily marking people and places. Unfortunately, it seems that this might have meant that the circumstances were not too clear. 

Title: Ycan Upcyme Eadignesse 16 Jul 2010 11:40 am
Reviewer: Bratling (Signed) [Report This]
    *claps* Great story!

    Author's Response: Thanks so much ^^ I'm glad you enjoyed it.

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