So good to read this again.
Title: Serva Me, Servabo Te
| 20 Oct 2021 1:56 pm
Reviewer: ARim (Signed)
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A well-penned story. Love the stong late-Medieval opening scene. Is that a tip of your writer's plume to our wonderful, lost, lamented Colonel Brandon? '..could be found again, if sought?' I had to stop and read that paragraph out loud. Mr. A. S.P. Rickman. Febr. 21. 1946
Great story! I loved all the twists and turns.
Your writing is so darn beautiful. There are sentences here that had me smiling, not only for their content but also for their cleverness.
I enjoyed this story quite a lot. I thought the first couple f chapters were a bit slow - maybe a bit too much description and/or exposition? But it really took off and the final twist actually caused me to gasp out loud! I especially appreciated Hagrids adoption of Harry, making it different from the more run of the mill 'Snape discovers abuse, has a change of heart, adopts harry, everything's rosy". I thought the characterisation was solid - Dumbledore would definitely behave like that! That's him all over! And Myrridan and the painting(I loved the painting it showed how much thought you had put into this) both felt real and fully fleshed out characters. So well done! :D
Title: Ycan Upcyme Eadignesse
| 17 Aug 2014 7:43 pm
Reviewer: Mitch (Anonymous)
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Excellent entertainment. You did a great job of keeping it comprehensible despite all the plot twists. I loved watching the relationships develop, and I was delighted by the idea of Hagrid being rich due to all the cool Forbidden Forest ingredients he could find/sell.
Nice ending. I especially liked that Myrridin was Hogwarts, guarding those within the castle. Using the dream to test Harry's intentions was a good idea, too.