Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Candles in the Dungeon 02 Dec 2010 5:41 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Lovely little piece thank you

    Author's Response: Thank YOU very much for reading and reviewing! So glad you enjoyed it-- I had lots of fun writing it! :-)
Title: Candles in the Dungeon 26 Jul 2010 7:55 pm
Reviewer: frodolove12 (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww, very cute :D Well, except that Harry won't remember it... ^^ But I guess Snape doesn't want anyone to know he has a soft side, hehe ^_^

    Lovely little story. Great Job ^.^

    Author's Response: Thanks for saying so! Mm-hm... I seriously doubt that Snape would like Harry to have something like this to hold over his head through the years to come-- HA! At least he finally got to sample Hagrid's cake (even if he won't remember how good it was...)! Glad you enjoyed the story, and many thanks for the review!
Title: Candles in the Dungeon 26 Jul 2010 11:16 am
Reviewer: snapeswidow (Signed) [Report This]
    this was so cute! but did you have to Obliviate Harry!LOL but i guess that if Snape didn't, it might ruin his "meanie" reputation. LOL Great Job!

    And Happy Birthday!

    Author's Response: Sigh... Yes, poor Harry... His one chance to interact with Snape without open animosity between them, and he won't even remember it. But I think Snape will always smirk in recollection of this particular birthday celebration! Thanks for reading and leaving a review-- they always make my day! ;-)
Title: Candles in the Dungeon 25 Jul 2010 3:18 pm
Reviewer: rosina (Signed) [Report This]
    Lovely. So many great images in a short piece. I was just wondering what on earth had happened to Snape when the Obliviate made it all feel right.

    Author's Response: Hee hee!!! Yes, indeed! Snape was really acting rather oddly (compared to his usual oddness...), but that Obliviate was always coming, so he got an opportunity to come across to Harry about as naturally as Snape ever could. I love the way you said, "...when the Obliviate made it all feel right." That's wonderful! Thanks so much!!!
Title: Candles in the Dungeon 25 Jul 2010 5:07 am
Reviewer: silverstargirl (Signed) [Report This]
    It makes me really sad that Severus decided to obliviate Harry. I kind of understand why he did, but it could have been a way for their relationship to improve. I hope that Severus will at least keep in mind what Harry said and realize that Harry isn't the spoiled, overindulged child he thought he was.

    Author's Response: Yes, the conversation on Harry's part was rather revealing, and you can see Snape deciding to include him in his own birthday, but the Potions Master simply can't allow Harry to recall the whole experience, although Snape himself will never forget it! Thanks so much for reading and for leaving a review!
Title: Candles in the Dungeon 25 Jul 2010 12:02 am
Reviewer: Lady Lanera (Signed) [Report This]
    Awe...I love it, Shadow. My favorite line was "I’m not getting any younger here, Potter…” I could see Snape saying that. Awesome job as always. Too bad Harry didn't get to remember it. :D

    Author's Response: Yeah-- there's NO WAY Snape would have let him remember THAT experience! I had terrific fun writing that scene, as poor Harry tries desperately to get out of singing to Snape! Thanks for the review!
Title: Candles in the Dungeon 24 Jul 2010 7:59 pm
Reviewer: charmed (Signed) [Report This]
    Well done, Mr Sulu, well done. Your writing just keeps improving :)

    Author's Response: Thanks, Scotty! Now if I could just remember to release the parking brake... ;-D
Title: Candles in the Dungeon 24 Jul 2010 7:32 pm
Reviewer: TrustSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Thanks for sharing this. I liked it. The last word a little sad but it makes sense considering ... Snape. I can totally see more parts to this.

    As Harry is walking back to the tower he wonders why he has such a sweet taste in his mouth. And once inside Ron asks if he visited the kitchens on his way back as he points to the crumbs on Harry's school sweater. *grins*

    Sorry, sometimes I can't help myself as my mind moves on it's own.

    Happy Belated Birthday!!!

    Author's Response: Thanks for the birthday wishes! Hope it won't disappoint you to find out that there's no sequel planned, although I loved your follow-up ideas! And don't forget that smear of lavender icing on his cheek... Thanks for the review; so happy you enjoyed it!
Title: Candles in the Dungeon 24 Jul 2010 3:32 pm
Reviewer: Morgana (Signed) [Report This]
    Aww, really sweet. I loved the character interaction and I could just see Hagrid giving Severus a pink and lavender iced birthday cake. (After all, those colours are so him lol) Lovely idea, well executed.

    Author's Response: Thanks so much! I hoped that Snape and Harry wouldn't seem too OoC, since neither of them would probably talk quite so freely to each other under NORMAL circumstances. However, Hagrid's cake proved to be the icebreaker and, as such, it had to be a doozy! Hee!
Title: Candles in the Dungeon 24 Jul 2010 4:25 am
Reviewer: MistressSnape (Signed) [Report This]
    Eeee! *Flails* This was gorgeous! I laughed hysterically when Snape asked him to sing. And I love fics that end with an Obliviate, because it convinces me that it really happened ;)

    Author's Response: Your praise is music to my ears! I wasn't sure how my attempt at humor would come across; I feel more comfortable writing dramatic stuff than comedy, but it seems to have worked out! THANKS for letting me know! I love your concept regarding ending stories with an Obliviate-- I just thought Snape wouldn't trust Harry enough to keep his personal life secret!

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