Haha! I love Snape. That was perfect! Poor Harry... Having to sing to Snape... I loved this. Amazing.
Author's Response: I'm a Snape-aholic myself! So glad you enjoyed it! The singing scene kept cracking me up as I wrote it; I just kept hoping it would tickle the readers' funnybones, too. Thanks for the review!
Title: Candles in the Dungeon
| 24 Jul 2010 12:21 am
Reviewer: hawkswench (Anonymous)
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Mine is in two days: Well at least Harry won't have to remember the embarrassment of him singing to Severus.
Author's Response: Hey, Happy Birthday to YOU! As for Obliviate, it actually went one step further than Harry's personal embarrassment-- Snape himself wouldn't want Harry spreading tales about Snape's past throughout Hogwarts. The only reason that Snape was so forthcoming at all was knowing that he'd erase Harry's memory of the unforgettable detention in the end!
That was GREAT!!!
Author's Response: Thank you very much!
Title: Candles in the Dungeon
| 23 Jul 2010 11:14 pm
Reviewer: Kristeh (Signed)
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Aw, that's very cute! I love the image of Harry and Severus sharing the cake.
Author's Response: Once I figured out my approach, this story practically wrote itself! The birthday muse had all her candles burning! Glad you enjoyed it, and thanks for letting me know!
Today's your birthday? HAPPY BIRTHDAY! My only claim to fame in HP universe is sharing Hermoine's b-day. Great story, I loved when Harry was telling Snape about his first birthday cake and lol I about fell out of my seat laughing (Which would have been really bad atm lol) when Snape ordered Harry to sing "Happy Birthday." Then again, that was bittersweet, he was obviously remembering Lily...aww...
Author's Response: Thanks for the b-day wishes! I had so much fun writing this, especially Snape ordering Harry to sing! I'd originally thought about Harry's having a birthday, but since that's been done so often, I decided to take a different approach. Also thought it was a shame that Dudley got Harry's original cake, SOOOOO... ! Glad you got a kick out of it, & thanks for the review! (And for having Harry & Snape both sing to ME!)