Reviews For Current Crisis at Hogwarts
Oh, and I have Umbridge, but I do believe I have already established that... Author's Response: Thanks. :D
Author's Response: hehe. Yeah, I know. We just needed Fudge to give his view on her. Thanks for the review. :D
Author's Response: Yep, Snape and Harry are still eating dinner together every night. We might see another scene of that soon again. Thanks. :D
I can just hear that toad's sickeningly sweet, smarmy tones now. I do not like her. At all. *baleful glare* Great chapter, though - I like it! ^^ Author's Response: Thanks, Dream. I'm glad you like it. :D
Author's Response: I think Aurora would tend to agree with you. :D Thanks for the review. :D
My favorite so far! Please Please! Let this a sort of Snape and Aurora love story. It dosn't have to be the WHOLE story, but it can have a little Snape/Aurora moments. They would make such a cute couple! Or at least somewhere in the story like the end they'll be together! It's sorta your fault for making them be such a good couple and your fault for being such a good Writer!;) Please continue!!!!!!!!!!! P.s you scared me for awhile. I thought this was gonna be some Harry-I am your father-Snape moment........ Still Snape Sleeping with Harry's Mum at 14......a little awkward.......... But I still love the story!!!!!!!! Author's Response: I don't know if Snape and Aurora will go for it this time, Ray. Aurora's a little ticked off with Umbridge, and Snape's a bit...addicted to his tea. You'll definitely see a Snape and Aurora moment in the next chapter, though, which should prove comical. I'll have to think about them being together. Sorry about scaring you. I debated whether to do make Snape be Harry's father or not, but then decided that it would just be better if Harry didn't feel like he was lied to by everyone. Thanks. I'm glad you're enjoying it. :D
Author's Response: Thanks. :D
Author's Response: lol...nice. Thanks for the review. :D
Looking forward to the next, so update soon as you can! Author's Response: Will do. Thanks, Dream. :D
Author's Response: Maybe... It's just not the one we thought. :D Thanks for the review. |
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