Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Reviews For Pulse
Title: Chapter 9 05 Dec 2015 1:52 pm
Reviewer: Anna (Anonymous) [Report This]
    This story is awesome! More would be soo great! Any Chance?
Title: Chapter 9 08 Aug 2014 8:54 am
Reviewer: Anthezar (Signed) [Report This]
    Oh my gosh, I love this! I wish there was more. I hope you come back and update again, because I simply love this story. Thanks for writing so far and I hope for another update. :)
Title: Chapter 9 22 Apr 2013 12:38 am
Reviewer: thewandcrafter (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Oh PLEASE continue!!!
Title: Chapter 8 13 Oct 2011 6:33 pm
Reviewer: Rhyselle (Signed) [Report This]
    I really like this story so far. I'm very intrigued by the stuff going on with Kingsley Shackelbolt, and hope that the various threads come together as you create new chapters. The interaction between Harry and Snape is interesting--and sometimes funny--and while I don't expect it to be a smooth ride between the two of them, it is nice to see that Harry is willing to defend Severus against Ron's opinion of him.

    I do have to say that, while I can see why it works to have Ron being an angry and jealous young man in this tale, part of me wishes that you'd written him a bit differently. It seems that almost all of the Harry/Severus fics I have read seems to make Ron either a shallow idiot, or an adversary to Harry. I know that in canon, JKR had episodes of both, but it would be interesting to read of a more complex Ron as a supporting character.

    Overall, though, the quality of this tale is top-notch! I look forward to future chapters when you have time to write and post them. :)

    Well done!

    Author's Response: Thanks for the review! Dont give up on Ron just yet, he may pop out unforseen depths. Although my issue with his character in the series was his readiness to make rash decisions due to his jealousy. He always feels bad later, but what would happen if he had someone in his corner sort of egging him on? Just a thought. I'm at a hectic period in the semester, I try to write whenever I can, but it may be a while for the update. Thanks for reading.
Title: Chapter 8 22 Jul 2011 4:39 pm
Reviewer: Velesia (Anonymous) [Report This]
    I think Snape and I’s - did you mean "Snape and my"? Your language is improved, please continue to write conscientiously!

    Thanks for updating.
Title: Chapter 2 22 Jul 2011 3:05 pm
Reviewer: Velesia (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Your premise is very interesting. Not sure about how this pulsing business is going to work out but I enjoy the concept of Severus playing with dark magic to this extent. Excellent reference to Rickman's Metatron role.
    Unfortunately this fic is riddled with language and typographical errors; “May we speak Harry alone for a moment?” (missing 'with') “We mailed Mr. Potter earlier-” (we sent Mr.Potter a letter or we mailed a letter to Mr. Potter, your structure implies that Mr.Potter was the object in the mail) etc.
    Please consider reviewing your word choice and the document in general before posting. It is unpleasant in the extreme to be ejected so roughly from my suspension of disbelief by a missing word or poorly articulated dialogue.

    Please continue updating.
Title: Chapter 1 13 Jul 2011 5:42 am
Reviewer: 101Frozenfire101 (Signed) [Report This]
    Great Chapter. really looking forward to the next one. Tragic Irony: Draco gets Minerva and Harry gets Severus :D
Title: Chapter 8 05 Jun 2011 2:00 pm
Reviewer: KimSpiritTalks (Signed) [Report This]
    An excellent story! I am intrigued with all the different things going on, excited to see where they'll lead us. Nice work!
Title: Chapter 4 04 Jun 2011 8:07 pm
Reviewer: Kristi (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Why is Ron being such a prat? Harry had no choice in getting paired with Snape; Dumbledore made it happen. Shouldn't Ron be glad that he didn't get stuck with Snape?
Title: Chapter 8 04 Jun 2011 12:46 am
Reviewer: Anonymous (Anonymous) [Report This]
    Wonderful story; please update more frequently.

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