Title: Invasion of the Sickies!
| 20 Sep 2010 2:09 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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glad you are better thank you for a lovely chspter
Title: With a Tug of the Heart
| 16 Sep 2010 7:32 pm
Reviewer: txn (Signed)
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this just keeps getting better...
Title: With a Tug of the Heart
| 16 Sep 2010 5:52 pm
Reviewer: Imai (Signed)
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It's stupid how Lily gets mad over one word. I've always hated that.
It's really sad that Lily took it to that point. She shouldn't have thrown away that box of memories. I know that what Severus called her was awful, but she had to have known that he didn't really mean it. I would like to think that she would have regretted her choice to throw away their friendship and the box at a later date. I'm glad that Severus treasured their times together enough to keep the box and to later, be able to share his good memories of her with Harry.
Title: With a Tug of the Heart
| 16 Sep 2010 4:06 am
Reviewer: Dragonfly7 (Anonymous)
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I am joining the various females of this story who go, "Awwwww!" Hermione's babbling sounds just like I was. Snape is more like a normal human being in this story than he is in most others. Not sure that he is canon correct, but I like him this way.
Title: With a Tug of the Heart
| 16 Sep 2010 3:27 am
Reviewer: Sita Z (Signed)
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Very good chapter. Hermione's underpants made me laugh out loud. She's going to be mortified when she's re-aged!
I really enjoyed Sev's childhood memories, too. You showed that he wasn't the only one at fault that he and Lily drifted apart, because she simply refused to accept his honest apologies. I really liked that.
Looking forward to more!
Oh, what a great chapter! I do feel sorry for poor Hermione when she's back to normal though! Please update again soon!
I really enjoyed this chapter. I like how you matched the weather to the emotions during Severus' memories. Nice work.
awww that was sweet. I've always thought Lily was a brat for not forgiving Severus. Yes, he made a mistake that he should never have, but he sincerely apologized several times. If they'd stay'd friends then she could have helped him avoid the darkness he was surrounded in Slytherin. She forgave The Mauruders who did worse acts but had no forgiveness in her heart for a best friend from childhood. The shame....sorry tangeant, I really liked this chapter, and IF the duo is reaged then Hermoine will be mortified! I'll be honest, I don't typically like deaging stories, only a couple exceptions and this is one of those brillant ones.
I love this story, and i am always so happy when you update!