Reviews For Days We Learn From
Author's Response: *hands tissue*. Thanks for giving some feedback. :)
Author's Response: Thanks for reviewing!
Author's Response: Thanks for the review!
Minerva is as well in this fic. --his Author's Response: Glad you think so. I had a lot of fun with Minerva in this one, so it's awesome to hear you're enjoying her. Even if she's a little goofy for canon! Cheers, Whitetail.
--his Author's Response: Got a little Hermione in your house, do you? Haha, I am so glad you are getting a good laugh out of it. :) Thanks for the review!
I laughed a lot.... loudly! So sweet. I'm loving this! --his Author's Response: Great to hear! I laughed pretty hard writing it, so it's a delight to hear it tickles your funnybone too.:) Cheers, Whitetail.
Author's Response: Hey hisnhers! Great to hear you got a few good laughs out of the first chapter! Even more awesome to hear you're sharing it with your kids. It's really cool to hear that a story I've done is being shared within families. Thanks a lot for the review, and I hope you enjoy!
Author's Response: Haha, a motermouth, definitely! I like that term - I've never heard it. Great to hear you enjoyed the story, and thanks a lot for the review, BlackPhoenix!
Love this. Just superb! Author's Response: Great to hear from you again, Dream Painter! True, Prisoners was after this one. Interestingly enough Prisoners was the surprise lovechild of DWLF and The Summer We Went Mental (which I'm doing now, and had been in my unfinished file for ages). Glad you liked it, and goodness me, when I look back on this one it makes me realize how far I've come! Thanks so much for reviewing my oldest story - It's kind of my baby and I rather love getting reviews for it still! Cheers!
Author's Response: Thanks, fluffy! |
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