Title: The Fate of Severus Snape
| 14 Feb 2011 7:18 pm
Reviewer: projectjay (Anonymous)
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Severus is getting a eye opening. That is good.
Title: A Disaster in the Making
| 14 Feb 2011 7:01 pm
Reviewer: projectjay@hotmail.com (Anonymous)
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Poor Severus, Hermione, and Harry. But maybe it will open his eyes to how Harry was raised and let our boy grown up right.
Author's Response: Thank you for reviewing! Oh yeah, maybe don't put your email adress here, otherwise anyone can see it! : )
great story.. very funny!!! will be reading the sequel now....
Author's Response: Glad to hear you liked it!
I loved this and I saw that you started a sequil I lok forward to it...
This was go great I loved it!
Title: Epilogue
| 27 Dec 2010 5:56 pm
Reviewer: Alexa (Anonymous)
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This is AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Title: A Disaster in the Making
| 30 Nov 2010 8:45 pm
Reviewer: elizzza (Signed)
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I am sure it is an oversight, but I hope future chapters do not call Granger "Mrs" - you do not really expect a schoolgirl (or a 4-year old) to be married. :)
Author's Response: Oops! Did I really put Mrs? Thank you sooo much for pointing that out. I tend to do that! :(
Title: Epilogue
| 03 Nov 2010 10:35 pm
Reviewer: Chelle (Anonymous)
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This truly shows the relationship that developed between the four. And that regardless of time, place, or people they would remain a family.Wonderful conclusin thank you. I, however, would love to see the reactions of others to their new relationship.
Title: Epilogue
| 02 Nov 2010 4:00 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed)
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Loved the ending especially the tea party! I suspect that Hermione and Draco are getting a lot closer than Ron would like but that's great with me! Thank you for wondeful story I will miss it!