Potions and Snitches
Snape and Harry Gen Fanfiction Archive

Title: Letters from Hogwarts 16 Feb 2024 3:30 pm
Reviewer: cavehack (Signed) [Report This]
    I was worried for a while, but am so glad we reached a homecoming of sorts. Thanks for your lovely story.
Title: Letters from Hogwarts 11 Apr 2019 1:00 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Very good I love your Lily
Title: Letters from Hogwarts 02 Oct 2017 11:05 pm
Reviewer: Draco-senpai (Signed) [Report This]
    This messed with my heart.
    Lily really was staring to frustrate me there. Sure Severus had been no saint, but Lily was holding on past grudges and hurts just he had. I'm really glad they were able to work it out at the end. (~.^)
    P.S. Harry was just an adorable little cinnamon roll!
Title: Letters from Hogwarts 27 Sep 2016 2:28 pm
Reviewer: Fmh (Signed) [Report This]
    Thank you a lovely story
Title: Letters from Hogwarts 09 Jun 2012 3:52 pm
Reviewer: lastcrazyhorn (Signed) [Report This]
    Christmas!!! Sevvy!!!

    Author's Response: <3. Yep. Hope you liked it. :)
Title: Letters from Hogwarts 07 Dec 2011 11:36 pm
Reviewer: slytherensangel26 (Signed) [Report This]
    you should write a sequel. i would love to see their friendship rekindled

    Author's Response: Thank you, I will think about it. :). 
Title: Letters from Hogwarts 06 Jun 2011 1:09 pm
Reviewer: 1sunfun (Signed) [Report This]

    Author's Response: Thanks. :)

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