This always makes my heart weep.
I loved it! So nicely done.
I still want to do bodily harm to Petunia Dursley.
There are no other words for it: I love this story. Emotions brilliantly created - I felt literally the warmth seeping into my heart. Incredible, thank you.
Title: The Ad-dressing of Cats
| 07 Jun 2014 7:51 pm
Reviewer: Mostly Harmless (Anonymous)
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Title: The Ad-dressing of Cats
| 22 Apr 2013 10:28 am
Reviewer: HC (Anonymous)
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This is... probably just about the most perfect thing I've ever read. I have in my mind now various scenes throughout Harry's childhood where Severus has a day off and is protecting Harry from those ghastly muggles.
Thank you for writing something so marvelous!
You make me want to do something exceedingly horrible to Petunia Dursley.
Title: The Ad-dressing of Cats
| 02 Jun 2011 10:46 pm
Reviewer: (Anonymous)
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Nice story - lovely to see Harry finally get the care he so desperately needed (that was disgusting behaviour on Petunia's part) and nice to see Severus give in to himself and indulge in the pleasant feelings of helping someone in need. Even if it was Potter's brat. ;) As a Mum one thing in particular bothered me - Severus gave him juice instead of water when Harry was suffering, or close to suffering, heatstroke. For reality sake, he should have given him water... and then juice if he still felt he should have the calories and minerals etc. Sorry for the parenting lesson lol - I couldn't help myself. The only other thing that bothered me, any three year old I have had - and I am a mother of five - has been able to take off their own nappy. In fact could do so by at least about 18 months if not earlier - seems odd that Harry hadn't worked this out for himself - especially with 'accidental magic' at his disposal... Other than those minor, mostly ridiculous quibbles - fantastic job - very enjoyable. Thanks so much for sahring it. misundersnape...