Reviews For Christmas Stories
That Fred & George still supported Harry, somehow didn't surprise me at all, ( you can't tell that they're two of my favorite Weasleys, right ? 😉 ), and I loved that Thomas, Quincy and Timothy warmed up to Harry, and started helping him was heartwarming, especially the way Thomas stood up to Snape on behalf of Harry was awesome 🤩🥰 I am a sucker for Happy Endings, so to see Severus have a change of heart, and not only apologize to Harry, but to accept him as his son... that was perfect, absolutely perfect 👏🏼🤩👌🏼😍👍🏻🥰 Thanks for sharing 🥰
Ooo great story!!
I liked Eldrid a lot! He seems like a nice guy :) Also congrats, this is so well done!
"For human sacrifice" cracked me up so badly :D I love fics where Harry and Snape have to pretend to like each other. Also the bit with Severus explaining about favours in the wizarding world was done so well! I like how it portrays Harry's inexperience and Snape in full teacher mode. It also reminded me a bit of Severus telling Lily about the dementors. Uh, this just has so much potential! But take your time :) Writer's block is not something to mess with. I usually feel better not to do things I don't want to do and doing them in my own time. Does this make sense? Thank you for asking, I'm doing fine :) Reading and Writing are seriously the best things. Though sometimes I wish I'd read more books and not so many fanfics. Have a nice day!
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